This is one of those low budget action movies that appear very late at night at cable TV. I like action movies (when they are done well - duh) and I had a bit of insomnia problem , so I decided to watch it.
This is a 90's action movie that is set in the 1980's Lebanon. Don't expect and thoghtful insight on the political turmoil. This is 100% clean action/thriller straight-to- VHS /DVD quality. It was made for the undemanding action junkies and only they will have some kind of fun with this movie.
Will they ? The movie is definitely overlong . There is relatively little action and only at the end it gets to be at least passable. The plot is ridiculously implausible, the dialogues are lame , the acting is lousy beyond belief and the characters could only live in the imagination of the screenwriter (the INCREDIBLY helpful taxi driver is my favourite).
There is a scene here that uses a dribbled basketball as a dramatic sound effect.
You read that right. That scene is a poetry of bad movie making. Try to find it on YouTube . It's so bad it's good.This is also the only scene in the whole movie that is memorable. Well , it is an action movie where the main hero is a high school basketball coach who saves his twin brother from terrorists. Propably the lamest hero in action movie history.
This is a movie for masochists or people looking for male eye candy (Michael Pare almost the entire time of the movie is shirtless ! ) . I give it 1/10.