Thora Birch credited as playing...
Billie Pike
- Billie Pike: How old are you?
- Willard Young: Ten. How old are you?
- Billie Pike: Nine. I thought you'd be bigger.
- Willard Young: Hey! Look who's talking, you midget. It just so happens I'm exactly the right size for my age. So why don't you just get lost?
- Billie Pike: You don't have to go crazy. It was just an observation.
- Billie Pike: How do you know dead people can't see us?
- Willard Young: Because I can't see them.
- Billie Pike: You can't see germs either.
- Willard Young: You can see them with a microscope.
- Billie Pike: Maybe nobody's ever invented a way to see ghosts yet.
- Billie Pike: Don't go in the water. It's gonna rain.
- Willard Young: So what?
- Billie Pike: If lightning strikes, we'll be fried like two bugs on a hot plate. That's what.
- Billie Pike: Do you have a lot of friends?
- Willard Young: Yeah. I'm the most popular kid on my block.
- Billie Pike: I figured. I don't have a lot of friends. People think I'm a show-off.