David Warner credited as playing...
Professor Jordon Perry
- Shredder: Babies! They're babies!
- Professor Jordan Perry: What did you expect? They'd come out quoting "Macbeth"?
- Shredder: They are stupid!
- Professor Jordan Perry: Well, they're not stupid, they're infants.
- Rahzar: [knocks Tokka on the head with a metal pole] Bang!
- Tokka: Ow!
- Professor Jordan Perry: Okay, they're stupid infants.
- Professor Jordan Perry: This is bad! Carbon dioxide is essential to the anti-mutanagenic process. Their burping is probably retarding the reaction.
- Donatello: Is there anyway to speed it back up?
- Professor Jordan Perry: Well the reintroduction of CO2 could act as a catalyst.
- Donatello: Yeah. Hmm.
- Professor Jordan Perry: The problem is finding a ready supply.
- [Walks over to a nearby fire extinguisher and takes it off the wall, showing it to Donatello]
- Donatello: Genius. Pure genius.
- [cooking up an anti-mutagen to transform Tokka and Rahzar]
- Michaelangelo: You think this stuff is gonna work?
- Donatello: Well, we won't know for sure until we spray those guys.
- Professor Jordan Perry: Well, actually...
- Donatello: Actually?
- Professor Jordan Perry: Actually... ingestion is the only course.
- Michaelangelo: You mean they have to eat it?
- Professor Jordan Perry: Affirmative. Yes. Yo. Right on... my man.
- Shredder: [after Tatsu locks a wolf and a snapping turtle into small cells] And these are the two most vicious animals you could find?
- [Tatsu nods]
- Shredder: Good. Professor?
- Professor Jordan Perry: Preparations are complete, however...
- Shredder: Begin.
- Professor Jordan Perry: However, I feel free to re-register my original protest and remind you of the immense dangers of...
- [Tatsu squares up to him and growls]
- Professor Jordan Perry: ...That's enough talk from me. We'll begin.
- Professor Jordan Perry: Four walking, talking turtles.
- Raphael: [sarcastically] Yeah, the guy's Ph.D material all right.
- Michaelangelo: Um, not to criticize science or anything, but wouldn't it be easier just to call it 'the pink one'?
- Professor Jordan Perry: [pours a liquid in a pan, and eats a piece of pizza] Pepperoni heaven!
- Professor Jordan Perry: [pours two liquids in a pot] Donatello, continue aeration!
- Donatello: Continuing aeration.
- [begins to stir the mixture the pot]
- Raphael: [sniffs the mixture] Man! This stuff is rank!
- Keno: Yeah, try carrying it on the subway sometime. I never got a seat so fast in my life.
- Leonardo: [sniffs the mixture] Blech! Thanks for doing all the shopping for us, Keno.
- Keno: No problem. I hope you didn't mind me picking up a few pies.
- Michaelangelo: You're forgiven.
- [sniffs the mixture]
- Michaelangelo: Whoa!
- [drops a slice of pizza in the mixture]
- Michaelangelo: [Donatello continues to mix the stuff with the pizza slice]
- [after being given a giant mutated dandelion]
- Professor Jordan Perry: You know, if the soil's contaminated so far away, there must be more leaky canisters than we thought.
- TGRI Assistant #1: Well, how can that be? They were only buried fifteen years ago.
- Professor Jordan Perry: Fifteen, fifty. Just make sure that the rest are found and removed!
- TGRI Assistant #1: Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to invite the press.
- Professor Jordan Perry: Sometimes the best place to hide is right out in public.
- TGRI Assistant #1: But if any of it fell into the wrong hands...
- Professor Jordan Perry: [looks as giant dandelion] I'm well aware of the risks.
- April O'Neil: He's just forcing you guys into fighting Tokka and Rahzar again.
- Leonardo: We know.
- April O'Neil: But...
- Raphael: April, there's no other way.
- April O'Neil: But you guys don't stand a chance.
- Professor Jordan Perry: Wait! Wait just a moment. There might be a way!
- Shredder: How much longer?
- Professor Jordan Perry: Look, I told you, I don't know! It takes times, days!
- Shredder: I want them as soon as possible!
- Professor Jordan Perry: [Tries approaching to Shredder] I said...
- Foot Soldier: [Grabs the professor] Sit down!
- Professor Jordan Perry: [about The Foot Clan] Aren't these enough for your vengeance?
- Shredder: The Foot has already failed against them. I have failed. But the next fight, will be different. The next fight, will be freak vs freak.