Being of the generation that was too young to have watched the Bionic Woman, I was just getting into SF when Mann & Machine came around.. *Wow* what a great show. Until Mann & Machine, the only android character on TV that I was accustomed to was Data from Star Trek and even then as young teen, I was absolutely fascinated by his journey to and among humanity. Mann and Machine neatly addressed my android fascination by following Eve in her learning of humanity, and to me this was by far the most interesting part of the series. Today's equivalent (albeit in a different setting) might be Kyle XY. I think that the cop show genre worked well, as did added that addicting little "will they or won't they" that seems to be present in so many cop series that have male and female partners.
Since Mann & Machine, technology has made huge advances (check out the Actroid Robot on YouTube), and Sci Fi is becoming more mainstream. I think that this concept still has a lot of potential and hope that someone out there decides to give this idea another go, it could do really well.