I've seen three of the Prime Suspects and I like the series a great deal. This one messes up. I don't expect perfection. I tolerate the usual contrivances of the genre. The fatal narrative flaw here is that the plot starts with one girl's murder and never ties the pieces together, even though the mother of the girl plays a predominate, even intrusive role, this lead guest character disappears entirely. There's enough pieces to put the mystery to rest but it lies literally and figuratively jumbled on the evidence table. There needed to be a resolving scene with the principle victim's mother. I enjoy the intradepartmental friction and the political issues. Not at the price of dramatic satisfaction. After reading in other reviews that the writer/creator did not write this one, it makes sense. I like to understand cultural frictions in other societies, as well as ours; it's a disappointment that this didn't satisfy me on their own initial question. I can forgive this series one serious lapse because it's well done, in cinematography, directing, casting, and acting. I was so incredulous and felt betrayed - I saw it twice to be sure, I didn't miss it.
I didn't it wasn't there. I hope the other three parts are not as disappointing as this one.