Henry Czerny credited as playing...
The Underground Man
- [last lines]
- The Underground Man: Maybe I'm more alive than you. But that's it. No more notes from the underground.
- [first lines]
- The Underground Man: I'm a sick man. I think it's my liver but I refuse to see a doctor. From spite. I'm a spiteful man. I've been living like this for a long time. I used to work in the Building Department but I don't now. I was a bad civil servant. I was unciviled. I was spiteful. No, no, no, no. That's a lie! I'm not spiteful. Uh, I'm not anything. But I am sick. I'm crippled from too much introspection, as in too much awareness is a disease, a crippling disease, absolutely.
- The Underground Man: Look at me. Look at me. Look at me! I'm a worm, ridiculous, petty, diseased. But other worms aren't ashamed or embarassed. That's my curse.