1 review
i don't know if this movie is ahead of it's time or just lacks big name star power or what, but it was pretty awesome. found this on DVD at a little bookstore & figured it was worth a shot, it certainly was. i'm not sure if this is an homage to the legend of the eighteen bronze men or the bad news bears, but it delivers the goods. the special effects are surprisingly well done. i have to admit, when i found this DVD i wasn't expecting much. the concept of a bunch of little kids boxing drunken style is awesome, unless you have kids, i guess. if you dig Jackie Chan's drunken master series, the bad news bears or any of the more recent Stephen chow flicks, give this a shot. my only complaint would be that the 'built in' subtitles are often very hard to read. luckily, the plot isn't so high concept that you'll really miss anything because of poor subtitling. thoroughly enjoyable.