This is one of those kid's movies that is either a) charming, imaginative and original, or b) disturbing enough to scar you for life. Either way it's well worth a look. There's some Norwegian cultural touchstones that make me believe it's taken from source material well known in it's homeland, but works at face value level as well. The storyline involves Simon, a kid with 2 expressions and a magic teddy bear, whose Grandfather seems to be getting very sick. "Of loneliness" diagnoses the kid at every opportunity. At the urging of the frankly creepy teddy, Simon ingests a magic potion and shrinks himself down to go and help Grandpa. Once inside, he hooks up with Mapster the young white blood cell & cute piece of lung matter, Alvaoli. Together they skip through grandpa's gnarly innards meeting such characters as the Secretions Agent and Bile Duct, the bad tempered head of the gall bladder department, while they try to stop the evil Calcium Crystals who are building a stone in Grandpa's bladder. The sets and costumes in this movie are impressively designed, even if worryingly skewed towards the rubber fetishistic crowd and the effects are pretty good too. (Favourite moment was the Secretion Agent's 'wanted poster') And for those with the bent for the absurd this movie's worth a look for nothing else than the costumes and interesting look at how our bodies are put together (my appendix is WHERE?) Best watched if: under 12 or drunk.