During the lottery drawing, Chief Davis stands next to Jason Smith and Deputy Simmons. After the postmaster puts the two papers for the Dunbars into the box, Davis is shown in closeup with Jason and Simmons nowhere to be seen.
In the town-hall scene, the town clerk tells Chief Davis that the Ambrose family will be at the lottery, but when Mayor Warner reads the list of family names, Adams is immediately followed by Bigelow.
When Craig Lloyd's thrown stone hits Maggie Dunbar, she raises her hands in a protective position. In the next shot when everyone joins in the stoning, Maggie raises her hands again.
When Mayor Warner calls the Marcus family, a closeup is shown of an arm in a blue-and-white seersucker jacket drawing from the box. Two names later, the head of the Oxley family is also wearing a blue-and-white seersucker jacket.