Moll Flanders (1996)
John Lynch: Artist
Moll Flanders : Don't you understand? I'm going to fail you.
Artist : I can accept that.
Moll Flanders : No, *feel that!*
[hits him on his chest]
Moll Flanders : That's nothing compared to the pain that comes with me. "They hung her mother!" *Feel that!*
[she continues to hit him and begins to cry]
Moll Flanders : "She slept with *hundreds* of men!", *Feel it!*, "She's a bitch and a trollop" and I hate you!
[picks up her things and heads for the door]
Moll Flanders : This is madness.
[walks out the door]
Moll Flanders : [storms Back In] I forgot me bleedin', stupid shoes!
[while Posing for the nude pregnant portrait]
Moll Flanders : It's moving!
Artist : Keep still... Both of you.
Artist : [after his own long soliloquy, philosophizing on the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, & everything] What do you want from life, Moll?
Moll Flanders : Nothin' anymore
Artist : Come on Moll; I bare my soul
[interrupted by Moll]
Moll Flanders : [interrupting the Artist] and I bare my bosoms. We make a good pair
Moll Flanders : [after the Artist has challenged a threat from Mrs Allworthy's pistol] Was that gun that useless?
Artist : I lied
[. clears throat .]
Artist : rather well, I thought
Moll Flanders : [Moll has cleaned up the Artist's loft. Artist enters...] Well?
[points at his feet]
Moll Flanders : Take your boots off
Artist : You have yours on.
Moll Flanders : I haven't been outdoors
Artist : This is VERy unimportant.
Moll Flanders : . you angry 'cause I cleaned for you?
Artist : DON'T do this again! I'll never FIND anything.
Moll Flanders : [Moll grabs a shelving unit and throws it & contents to the floor, then repeats] There! Back where it was.
[Moll crosses her arms & turns her back]
Moll Flanders : ... GOD that felt good!
Artist : Great money does not a great human make.
Artist : I found my creation in you. It's life. God is love, Moll. Love is God.
Artist : The Mad hermit that I am lived a wild life as a child. I made wings from canvas and bamboo. I wished to navigate the atmosphere like a bird; instead I studied gravity, and plunged forty feet from the mill roof.