- Moll Flanders: Don't you understand? I'm going to fail you.
- Artist: I can accept that.
- Moll Flanders: No, *feel that!*
- [hits him on his chest]
- Moll Flanders: That's nothing compared to the pain that comes with me. "They hung her mother!" *Feel that!*
- [she continues to hit him and begins to cry]
- Moll Flanders: "She slept with *hundreds* of men!", *Feel it!*, "She's a bitch and a trollop" and I hate you!
- [picks up her things and heads for the door]
- Moll Flanders: This is madness.
- [walks out the door]
- Moll Flanders: [storms Back In] I forgot me bleedin', stupid shoes!
- [while Posing for the nude pregnant portrait]
- Moll Flanders: It's moving!
- Artist: Keep still... Both of you.
- Artist: [after his own long soliloquy, philosophizing on the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, & everything] What do you want from life, Moll?
- Moll Flanders: Nothin' anymore
- Artist: Come on Moll; I bare my soul
- [interrupted by Moll]
- Moll Flanders: [interrupting the Artist] and I bare my bosoms. We make a good pair
- Moll Flanders: [after the Artist has challenged a threat from Mrs Allworthy's pistol] Was that gun that useless?
- Artist: I lied
- [. clears throat .]
- Artist: rather well, I thought
- Moll Flanders: [Moll has cleaned up the Artist's loft. Artist enters...] Well?
- [points at his feet]
- Moll Flanders: Take your boots off
- Artist: You have yours on.
- Moll Flanders: I haven't been outdoors
- Artist: This is VERy unimportant.
- Moll Flanders: . you angry 'cause I cleaned for you?
- Artist: DON'T do this again! I'll never FIND anything.
- Moll Flanders: [Moll grabs a shelving unit and throws it & contents to the floor, then repeats] There! Back where it was.
- [Moll crosses her arms & turns her back]
- Moll Flanders: ... GOD that felt good!
- Moll Flanders: I'd had sex with many a man; but, this was the first time I'd made love. He willed his soul into me. We were one. A fusion of passion and unspoken knowledges. We were a united force pushing back the darkness in each others' lives.
- Mrs. Allworthy: All men are fortune hunters and, therefore, are fair game to be hunted in return. And that woman, logically, might as well be taken advantage of by one of their own sex, than just give themselves to men and see no profit in it.
- Hibble: "Mrs. Allworthy never forced a woman into her service..."
- Moll Flanders: ...but, like a good horse trainer, she made sure that the process became so familiar that it was quite natural that one might eventually be broken and saddled.
- Hibble: Circumstances have taught me that a man's ethics are the only possessions he will take beyond the grave.
- Mrs. Allworthy: Some of the highest gentlemen in London come through my doors. Wouldn't you want to have power over such men? When all they can think of is worshiping your young body.
- Moll Flanders: I was raised Catholic.
- Mrs. Allworthy: So was the Virgin Mary and don't tell me she didn't do it.
- Moll Flanders: That's blasphemy.
- Mrs. Allworthy: No. That's common sense, girl. What are you saving yourself for? Give yourself some pleasure. Life's a terrible short for some. You ain't never been kissed, I'll bet. And why? Two flat pieces of fish where there ought to be a red ring of allure. You got to have a innocence of a doll. They wants the child in you. And the eyes - tease them down there with your eyes. When a man's part goes hard, his brain goes soft. That's when they'll say or do anything to possess you girl. That's when you feel the power.
- Hibble: Escaped from Cardiff prison hulks I did, with a highway alchemist named Gay; he could turn the lead in his pistols to gold
- Artist: The Mad hermit that I am lived a wild life as a child. I made wings from canvas and bamboo. I wished to navigate the atmosphere like a bird; instead I studied gravity, and plunged forty feet from the mill roof.
- Threatening Man: [Ruffian shoves Hibble as they pass each other] Oy blackie, go' any news from the devil?
- Hibble: [Hibble decks him, hurting his hand] Sent you that. How'd you like it?
- Moll Flanders: If God made me in his image, shouldn't my thoughts and my ideas be like his? If you have any use for my miserable life, I pray, help me. I must pray in my heart. A sign?
- Hibble: "My body, a female, and..."
- Moll Flanders: ...my station, a bastard, is a prison of the flesh that I have worn for the length of my life.
- Hibble: Your mother, Moll Flanders, was a murderess, a whore, and a thief - by her own account. The loss of her soul, to some, was as of little consequence as an ember drafting up a chimney.
- Moll Flanders: Was he hurting you?
- Edna: Hurting me?
- [laughs]
- Edna: You'll learn.
- Moll Flanders: What's so funny?
- Edna: God must have a dull sense of humor, giving men them stupid whackers and us the desire to take 'em in. But, it passes near to the beginning of creation for a feelin' in your body if its done right.
- Mrs. Allworthy: Man's nothing but a bull. A beast of lust. Say anything. Do anything to ease his urges. God's not made a man fit to be woven up with yet. But there's precious few women who learn to lead them by the nose.
- [caressing her breasts]
- Mrs. Allworthy: These are the most awesome weapons you have, girl. Prop them up and a man won't be able to raise his eyes to your face.