Jay Goede credited as playing...
Herschel Lenko
- Herschel Lenko: Boy, I envy you RAF guys.
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: Really? Why is that?
- Herschel Lenko: You've seen real action. That's where I want to be, right in the thick of it. Must be a great feeling.
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: Oh yes, it's tremendous fun.
- [laughs]
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: . Do you know, I've seen some of my best friends blow to pieces right in front my eyes. One of them, what was his name? Ah, Sky Leggit we called him, his plane exploded about a hundred feet above me and a piece of his lower intestine slapped right across the windscreen. Couldn't budge the bugger.
- Herschel Lenko: [Lenko's cheerfulness gives way to a sad and solemn look] .
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: I've been to more funerals than a hearse.
- [laughs]
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: . Oh, it's tremendous fun.
- [Turns serious]
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: . Listen to me, and understand what I'm saying. This is not a holiday, this is war.
- Herschel Lenko: I know it's not a holiday! And we don't say 'holiday', we call it a vacation.
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: Oh, I do beg your pardon. Look around our ward. There are sixteen men in there. Count how many arms and legs. Just what the doctor ordered.
- Herschel Lenko: [Realising Bunting used the mirror on the wall to see his cards] You Limey... bullshitter!
- Herschel Lenko: How's your leg?
- Archie Bunting: Marvellous - can't feel a thing!
- Herschel Lenko: Good! I hope you weren't looking forward to the Independence Day party too much, cause by the time I'm finished with you, you're not going to feel much like dancing.
- Archie Bunting: Get on with it, Lenko - I have to catch a bus into town, i'm going to pick up my bike from the garage.
- Herschel Lenko: [Watching Archie push his Silver Star across the table] You can't bet with a Sliver Star! That's an award from the President of the United states!
- Archie Bunting: I've no money left! Besides, you have to beat my hand first.
- Herschel Lenko: I can beat your hand!
- Archie Bunting: How do you know?
- Herschel Lenko: Call it intuition.
- Archie Bunting: Well, let's put your intuition to the test then, shall we?
- J. J.: [after Lenko wins the game with Archie] I wish I could cheat like you, Herschel!
- Herschel Lenko: It's easy, J. J. - I'll teach you!
- [Lenko and the others watch Archie limp towards the pub door]
- Herschel Lenko: Hey, what happened to your leg?
- Archie Bunting: Nothing, old boy! Like I said
- [Taps it three times with his cane, producing a matalic sound]
- Archie Bunting: Can't feel a thing. See you at the dance!
- [Exits]
- Herschel Lenko: [In British hospital] Hey, how's your leg?
- Archie Bunting: Hurts. That's why I drink to take the pain away.
- [Referring to the cognac Archie is drinking on the quiet]
- Herschel Lenko: Oh, I thought you just liked it.
- Archie Bunting: This is war, Lenko. Things are rarely simple as they appear.
- Herschel Lenko: Boy, I envy you RAF guys.
- Archie Bunting: Really? Why is that?
- Herschel Lenko: You've seen real action. That's where I want to be, right in the thick of it. Must be a great feeling.
- Archie Bunting: Oh yes, it's tremendous fun.
- [laughs]
- Archie Bunting: Do you know, I've seen some of my best friends blow to pieces right in front my eyes. One of them, what was his name? Ah, Sky Leggit we called him, his plane exploded about a hundred feet above me and a piece of his lower intestine slapped right across the windscreen. Couldn't budge the bugger.
- [Lenko's cheerfulness gives way to a sad and solemn look]
- Archie Bunting: I've been to more funerals than a hearse.
- [laughs]
- Archie Bunting: Oh, it's tremendous fun.
- [Turns serious]
- Archie Bunting: Listen to me, and understand what I'm saying. This is not a holiday, this is war.
- Herschel Lenko: I know it's not a holiday! And we don't say 'holiday', we call it a vacation.
- Archie Bunting: Oh, I do beg your pardon. Look around our ward. There are sixteen men in there. Count how many arms and legs. Just what the doctor ordered.
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: [In British hospital] Hey, how's your leg?
- Herschel Lenko: Hurts. That's why I drink to take the pain away.
- [Referring to the cognac Archie is drinking on the quiet]
- Squadron-Leader Archie Bunting: Oh, I thought you just liked it.
- Herschel Lenko: This is war, Lenko. Things are rarely simple as they appear.