Treat Williams credited as playing...
Xander Drax
- Xander Drax: All right, what's your name? Why do you want that skull so badly?
- Kit Walker: Kit Walker.
- Xander Drax: Huh, and who is Kit Walker?
- Kit Walker: I am.
- Xander Drax: And what about the skull?
- Kit Walker: It'd go well with my drapes.
- Xander Drax: My name is Xander Drax.
- The Great Kabai Sengh: What?
- Xander Drax: X-A-N-D-E-R D-R-A-X. Xander Drax. Begins and ends with the letter X.
- Xander Drax: Quill, would you please show Mr. Walker up to the observation deck and make him talk?
- Sala: I claim the body when you're done.
- Xander Drax: History is about to be made and you're all a part of it. Not an equal part, of course, but an important part nonetheless.
- Xander Drax: These brought me here. The Skulls of Touganda.
- The Great Kabai Sengh: And what do you know of such matters?
- Xander Drax: I know all about these skulls and the power they contain, once all three are united... The two I hold, and the one you have there. Look, O Great One, I really wasn't in the market for a partner, but we have a mutually beneficial situation here. Think of it this way: You represent the old guard of grizzled scallywags and Peg-leg Petes. I stand for the new order of things, modern and up-to-date. Just the man to carry our cause into the 20th century.
- The Great Kabai Sengh: Silence! You have no bargaining power with me, Mr New York City. I could kill you and feed your pink ass to the sharks! Besides, you don't have the fourth skull.
- Xander Drax: Fourth skull? What fourth skull? What are you talking about? There is no fourth skull.
- The Great Kabai Sengh: The fourth skull controls the power of the other three. Without it, you've wasted your time and your meaningless New York lives.
- Sala: The Phantom helped Diana to escape. I think he's in love with her.
- Xander Drax: Oh really? This is getting more interesting by the minute. Why do you say that?
- Sala: Because he could have had me... but he picked her. That could only be love.
- Xander Drax: Or simply bad judgment.
- Xander Drax: [wields all three skulls] These skulls are more powerful than I ever imagined! I've harnessed the energy of the sun! Who needs a fourth skull?
- The Phantom: I do... and I know where it is. I've worn it all my life, for protection. I never really understood what that meant, until right now.
- Xander Drax: Ha! What a cheap jungle trick!
- [uses the skulls to fire a ray on the Phantom, but the Phantom wields his skull ring and fires a ray himself]
- Xander Drax: [shocked] Unbelievable! Ha ha!
- [gets incinerated with all three skulls]
- Xander Drax: When darkness rules the earth, America's in financial ruin. Europe and Asia are on a brink of self-annihilation. Chaos reigns. Like I've always said, there is opportunity in chaos. And so, my brothers, I give you...
- [raises out the first skull]
- Xander Drax: The skull of Touganda. This skull is one of three. When all three skulls are united, they will produce a force more than any army on earth.
- Ray Zephro: You-you only got the one.
- Xander Drax: Legend has it that if the skulls are separated, two of the skulls will point the way to the third.
- Ray Zephro: Like I said, you only got...
- Xander Drax: Raymond! Raymond! Ray! Ray! I know the location of the second skull, okay?
- Quill: So what should we do about him?
- Xander Drax: Do? Nothing. This is New York. I'm not concerned with some jungle hero half a world away.
- [outside his office, the Phantom arrives]
- Xander Drax: Hey! I can see that this Phantom thing really strikes a nerve. In that case, you're going to love this.
- [pulls up Diana before Kabai Sengh]
- Xander Drax: She is his girlfriend.
- The Great Kabai Sengh: Bring her here.
- Xander Drax: Think of the opportunities this presents. Ransom, bait, revenge!
- The Great Kabai Sengh: [leers] The Phantom has good taste.
- Xander Drax: Good! Personal pleasure, I overlooked that one. So, what do you say? The girl for the skull, and I'm out of your hair.
- Xander Drax: How much does this newspaper cost?
- Uncle Dave Palmer: Two cents daily, five cents on Sunday.
- Xander Drax: No, all of it. The building, the presses, the typewriters... Maybe I'll buy the whole damn thing.
- Uncle Dave Palmer: Not everything in life is for sale.
- Xander Drax: Of course it is, Dave! And I'll tell you something else: I usually get what I want.