That Thing You Do! (1996)
Liv Tyler: Faye Dolan
Faye : I have wasted thousands and thousands of kisses on you - kisses that I thought were special because of your lips and your smile and all your color and life. I used to think that was the real you, when you smiled. But now I know you don't mean any of it. You just save it for all your songs. Shame on me for kissing you with my eyes closed so tight.
Faye : But I thought you already decided on The Echoes.
Jimmy : Nah, some band in Buffalo's the Echoes. And I wasn't wild about that.
Lenny : Let's just call us The - Band You're About To Hear.
Chad : How about The Corvettes?
Jimmy : Is that The Corvettes, or the Chordvettes?
Chad : No, Corvettes, like the car.
Jimmy : Well see, I was thinking like the Chord...
[writes Chordvettes]
Jimmy : *Chord*vettes, like chords in our music.
Lenny : [Guy walks in] Is that "Skitch" Patterson?
Chad : Here he is, Erie's lone beatnik.
The Bass Player : How about the Tempos? Ya know, tempos?
Lenny : Not the Tempos, Tempos. I was in a band already called The Tempos, and we were... terrible.
Chad : Hey Guy, weren't you the drummer for the Tempos?
Guy : Heard that.
Faye : You mean actually make a record? A record record, record?
Jimmy : [strums on his guitar] It just appeared, like magic, for the whole world to see.
Faye : I didn't say anything, I was just as surprised as you.
Jimmy : 'Careful, girls, he's engaged.' Am I supposed to buy you some diamond ring now?
Faye : You're ruining this beautiful moment.
Jimmy : Where'd you get the idea that we're engaged? We're not! Last thing I need in the world!