Timothy Williams credited as playing...
- Steve: Excuse me, guys... can I see your invitations?
- Brad: Is this your house?
- Steve: Yes.
- Brad: Your party?
- Steve: Yes.
- Brad: Can we get in?
- Steve: No.
- Eric: C'mon Brad, let's just go.
- Brad: No no no no... Steve... Steve, we can get in, right?
- Steve: You don't got an invitation. You don't go in.
- Brad: You don't GOT an invitation? Steve, quick English lesson; it's don't HAVE an invitation. As in 'Hi, my name is Steve. I don't have brain.'
- Steve: You're just a natural little Shakestein, aren't you?
- Brad: Shakespeare, Steve... it's Shakespeare. Didn't you see the 'No Idiots' sign on the front lawn?