This is one off the BBC's most underrated shows. Sue Johnson is brilliant in this as Grisham, as are the two main characters Jeff Slade and Holly Turner. Slade is likeable for the viewer becaue he always pushes things that bit too far! Employing cheeky and rebellious methods to solve the crime. Wheras Holly is the down to earth (as much as you can be having a time machine hidden away!)and sensible one.
Although many people would point to the flaws in the 'time travel' aspect, the show is not a strict hard nosed drama. More a drama with comedy ailments, which, in turn allow us to bypass any such flaws.
In an era where the BBC have, by their own admission, struggled to find a good Saturday night show, why not bring this back? Several years on, and with the SAME CAST? I mean none of them Johnson aside have really been in anything else particularly successful after this. (Although French does appear in some other 'Sunday evening' prog)
They could start it up as if the machine had been tampered with and that it hasn't been used in the years since the programme was last aired. Possibly having the two characters have drifted apart, only to bump into each other and regurgitate the need for time travel.
There was much scope for other adventures in another series. Possibly having episodes where they were transported back further.....?
I would urge the BBC to seriously consider this.
The show was proceeded with Jonathan Creek, and you can see shades of it in this. However although Jonathan Creek is a good show, this was better, had more scope in another series.
Please get it back! A Saturday night hit beckons...