Camryn Manheim credited as playing...
Ellenor Frutt
- Judge Roberta Kittleson: Was anyone else present for your conversation?
- Ellenor Frutt: No.
- Judge Roberta Kittleson: Well, then, shame on you. Never interview a witness alone. This is what you get.
- Ellenor Frutt: Thank you, Your Honor. I was so hoping for a lesson.
- Judge: Your motion is denied. I am losing my patience!
- Ellenor: To hell with patience, you've lost your MIND, and that hasn't slowed you down!
- Bobby Donnell: [about Ellenor testifying on behalf of the firm] We'll look bad if we hide things. Let's just be upfront about everything.
- Ellenor: That's easy for you to say - it's not your personal life
- Lucy: Who has a personal life?
- Bobby Donnell, Ellenor: [shout] Lucy!