Clint Eastwood's extremely organized methods of directing led to filming being completed over three weeks ahead of schedule and $2-4 million under budget.
The movie features two of Clint Eastwood's daughters in very minor roles: Kimber Eastwood (born Kimber Tunis) and Alison Eastwood. The casting of Kimber raised a lot of eyebrows since Clint had never spoken publicly of her existence. He still hasn't, actually, but her presence in this film and billing under the surname Eastwood constitutes his acknowledgment.
The house in the beginning of this movie is a real castle in Brooklandville, Maryland. It belongs to Maryvale Preparatory school. Classes are held inside, as well as some administration and offices. The carpet and the painting seen hanging were left in the castle after filming was finished.
One of the few movies Clint Eastwood made outside of Warner Bros., but when Castle Rock Entertainment was bought by Turner Broadcasting System and it merged with Time Warner, it ultimately became another Warner Bros. movie by Eastwood.