Serafine : [Chris enters the cellar and discovers that she is locked in a cage] What are you doing here?
Chris : You're asking me?
Serafine : Please stay away. Go now.
Chris : Don't you want to get out of here?
Serafine : Just leave me alone, please.
Chris : Oh, is this some kind of kinky game or something, cause...
Serafine : Where are your friends?
Chris : They're at Claude's party waiting for you.
Serafine : Party?
Chris : Yeah, you know, that--that lunar thing.
[Hands her the invitation]
Serafine : [alarmed] Oh my god, they're in great danger. Get the key, over there.
Chris : [gets the key to unlock her] Wait, what kind of danger?
Serafine : Just leave it to me. Ok?
Chris : No way. If there's a problem I'm coming with you.
Serafine : [opens the cage] It's much too dangerous, believe me.
Chris : Ok, now, hold on a second, hot pants, there's no way that I'm going to-h
[she punches him knocking him unconscious]
Serafine : I want you to blow a big bubble for me.
Andy McDermott : What?
Serafine : Well... It's a custom in France. The bigger the bubble, the more a boy likes a girl.
Andy McDermott : Whats her name again?
Brad : Serafine pie-got
Chris : Serafine...
Andy McDermott : Serafine Pigot, it's a beautiful name.
Chris : [Andy is standing near the entrance] Are you getting cold feet?
Andy McDermott : Just a bit nervous, I don't want to say the wrong thing.
[rings doorbell;noone answers]
Chris : [looks through window; excitingly to Andy] your on prince!
Serafine : [speaking french] whos there?
Andy McDermott : [stammers] Serafine-uh Hi-uh its the guy who uh - ive got your shoe
[serafine answers the door]
Andy McDermott : Hi I'm Andy we met on the tower, this is Chris and Brad and uh listen this uh I thought you would want this because uhh it's not my size.
[gives her shoe]
Serafine : Your very kind now go please, you must not stay here.
Chris : Charming
Brad : And sophisticated. forget about it, lets go Andy.
Andy McDermott : Wait, did you see what I saw?
Brad : What?
Andy McDermott : She had blood on her hand, she's trying it again!
Brad : [to Chris] Just so were on the same page, who's crazier here?
Serafine : Please go, or there will be trouble.
Andy McDermott : Uh-no wait wait, what did you do to your hand? Do you have blood on your hand? Your bleeding.
Serafine : Uh no, uh-uh its just paint, I'm redecorating the cellar.
Andy McDermott : [relieved] oh, I thought uh...
Serafine : Please go, now.
Andy McDermott : Listen, wait, hold it, we can help, we can have that done in no time, right guys?
Serafine : No thanks, thank you.
Andy McDermott : I-please look, I just wanna talk.
Serafine : I don't think it's a good idea.
Andy McDermott : Please just once if you let me in, i-will never bother you again.
Serafine : Ok tomorrow 4:00, in front of the Concert Hall.
Andy McDermott : You mean it?
Serafine : I promise, now go please.
Brad : Excellent
Andy McDermott : I did it.
Chris : You mean you almost blew it, take some advice from the experts-you gots to play it cool, Daddy-O.
Andy McDermott : [Andy is having coffee with Serafine] So do your parents mind us, uh-- meeting?
Serafine : My parents are dead
[Andy chokes on his coffee and starts coughing]
Serafine : are you ok? Want some water?
Andy McDermott : No I'm fine. I do like coffee.
[wipes himself with a napkin Serafine notices writing on it to which Andy thinking there is something on him looks down and notices nothing]
Serafine : Most guys who ask me on a date are usually trying to get me into bed.
Andy McDermott : Well, that must be very terrible for a girl when that happens.
Serafine : Why should I think you're any different? Isn't that why you brought your friends along? To witness you score?
[Andy drops his coffee cup in shock and surprise]
Andy McDermott : No, that's not it at all.
[Pulls out napkin from his shirt pockets, condoms accidentally come out as well; embarrassingly]
Andy McDermott : Chewing gum. It's, um-- uh-- the rage in the states. Take chewing gum to make it look like condoms, it's like a practical joke
[Serafine trys to chew a condom but Andy suddenly takes it from her and chews it]
Andy McDermott : Nice and chewy.
Serafine : I want you to blow a big bubble for me.
Andy McDermott : [shocked] What?
Serafine : Well, it's-- it's a custom in France the bigger the bubble the more a boy likes a girl.
Andy McDermott : [blows a condom bubble and it suddenly goes flying around and lands in a nearby cup of coffee] Wow what a rip-off. My friends told me it was chewing gum. I thought...
Serafine : I think it's best if I go.
Andy McDermott : Oh no, no, no, please don't go. I'm just so nervous. And the more I like a girl, the more nervous I get. and if you go now and something happens to you that I blame myself for the rest of my life because I'd blow my chance to help.
[she sits back down]
Andy McDermott : the moment I saw you on the tower, I was so moved by your sadness. I swore to myself I would try to help whatever it takes. No one as beautiful and sensitive as you can possibly deserve to be so sad.
[She takes his hat off and feels his head]
Andy McDermott : Oh, god, i hate myself. I'm not the kind of guy you think I am.
Serafine : If i go, it's nothing to do with you. No one can help me. And anyone who tries is...
Andy McDermott : I hope you're not sorry that I saved your life?
Serafine : It was the sweetest most courageous and selfless thing anyone's ever done for me.
Andy McDermott : [Serafine has just heated up a guy at a cafe; Andy is running after her to keep up with her on her bike] Hey you were something else in there.
Serafine : I'm sorry. I got carried away
Andy McDermott : Oh no, that guy had it coming to him. Uh-- hey, how did you do that? He like-- that guy-- he weighed I don't know. Uh-- do you-- do you work out? Do you want me to leave
[Serafine doesn't respond]
Andy McDermott : I guess that means yes.
[Andy starts to walk away]
Serafine : Wait, stop.
[Notices Andy's bloody nose; tries to kiss her]
Serafine : I have to go now. You mustn't get involved.
Andy McDermott : Wait. When do I get to see you again?
Serafine : I don't think we should, Andy it's only because I care about you.
Andy McDermott : You have a funny way of showing it.
Andy McDermott : [Serafine is trying to defibrillate her stepfather] Serafine?
Serafine : Help...
Andy McDermott : [notices what Thierrys vitals are flatlined] Serafine?
Serafine : [crying] The cure-- if he dies, we have no hope.
Andy McDermott : Serafine-- its-- he's gone. Let it go.
Serafine : No.
Andy McDermott : Yes.
Serafine : They killed him. The bastards. We're doomed now.
Andy McDermott : Well, let me have a shot at it.
Serafine : But they ruined the lab--so many years of hard work.
Andy McDermott : Did your stepfather leave any notes?
Serafine : [motions him to a chart] There.
Andy McDermott : What does that represent?
Serafine : A werewolf's biorhythm and how it's governed by the cycles of the moon. Thierry tried to keep me below the transformation threshold by injecting me with a depressant.
Andy McDermott : And it had a reverse effect.
Serafine : Yeah.
Andy McDermott : All right, just so I'm totally clear here, with this drug, you can induce a transformation at any time of the month?
Serafine : Oh my god, the samples, he left them in the cupboard over there.
[Andy opens the cupboard and notices that all the samples are gone]
Serafine : Mon dieu.
Andy McDermott : [notices an invitation to a July 4th party only for americans] Oh, brother.
Serafine : [Andy is looking at her] What?
Andy McDermott : Did you know?
Serafine : What is it?
Andy McDermott : Did you know what he plans to do?
Serafine : [sighs] Yes, I did.
Andy McDermott : And you did nothing to stop it.
Serafine : Andy, I...
Andy McDermott : How in gods name could you just stand by and...
Serafine : For gods sakes, stop it. We may have a cure.
[shows Andy her stepfather who is in a coma]
Serafine : Thierry, my stepfather.
Andy McDermott : [notices his legs are missing] Claude?
Serafine : No.
Andy McDermott : [realizes] You?
Serafine : And my mother, too. For time I managed not to harm anyone. Even the hearts my mother smuggled from the hospital we're from the dead. Two months ago, he was sure he had discovered a serum to suppress my lycanthropic cycle, only it had the reverse effect, I immediately transformed. My mother heard the noise from upstairs. And Thierry tried to escape through the underground. When I came to, I saw i had butchered my own parents. Now do you see why I was trying to kill myself?
Andy McDermott : It's not your fault
[hugs her; she notices a cut on Andy's shoulder and cleans it for him]
Andy McDermott : don't worry about me, it's Chris who has problems. We got to get him out of there.
Serafine : [cleaning Andy's cut on his shoulder] Claude is a bastard.
Andy McDermott : [Andy has accidentally shot Serafine as a werewolf] Serafine, oh my god. Oh
[covers her with his jacket]
Andy McDermott : just hang in there, okay? I'm going to get you out of here.
Serafine : Oh, Andy, I won't make it.
Andy McDermott : Huh? Don't quit on me now.
Serafine : [pulls switchblade from Andy's pants] Stop the pain, please?
Andy McDermott : I can't.
Serafine : Eat my heart, Andy. Let yourself go.
Andy McDermott : Serafine, I'd rather kill myself.
Serafine : For both of us then. It hurts so much. Please? Please?
[Andy reluctantly raises the knife to kill her]
Serafine : We'll be free.
[Cops appear and demand Andy to surrender]
Serafine : Hurry while you still can. Please? I love you. Please.
Andy McDermott : No, I can't. Listen, let them help you. Everything will be ok, I promise
[Andy runs off]
Andy McDermott : I got to get Claude, he's the last one.
Andy McDermott : [Andy has met Serafines mother but Serafine blocks him from seeing her] Hey, um-- Mrs. Pigot, um-- I know this looks really kind of-- How do you do? Uh-- I can explain. It's really not her fault. Uh-- Serafine, could-- could you introduce us?
Serafine's Mom (Alex Price-Pigot) : You wouldn't want to meet me. I'm not as attractive as I used to be.
Andy McDermott : Oh, come on. I bet you two pass for sisters.
Andy McDermott : Wait a minute. Hold it. Didn't you say your mother was dead?
[Sees Serafines mother reflection in the mirror and sees that she is a corpse]
Andy McDermott : Oh, my God.
[Serafines mother screams and disappears]
Serafine Pigot : You scared her away.
Andy McDermott : I scared her? Ha.
[Puts his socks on]
Andy McDermott : That's it. My friends were right. You're nuts. Nurses with walking corpses, stealing hearts, and monsters and werewolves in the basement, and the whole thing with the thing and the thing.
Serafine Pigot : Andy, let me explain, please?
Andy McDermott : No, no, no, you already did. Look I don't know what you dosed me with, but I will not be the lab rabbit for some psychotic experiment
[tries to open door but it's locked]
Andy McDermott : All right. Look-- all right, just stay away from me. Ok? Let me out of here?
Serafine Pigot : You must drink this. Its-- it's the only thing that will help you.
Andy McDermott : Yeah, not freaking likely.
Serafine's Mom (Alex Price-Pigot) : [appears from behind him] You should do as she says.
[Andy screams and runs out the window]
Chris : [Chris and Brad are helping Andy get ready for his date] First thing we're going to do is work on your outfit. Now, okay-- remember 80% of all these French girls really go for that macho type
[gives Andy his jacket and Brad's hat]
Brad : Oh, throwing it up on the playboy-- excellent.
Chris : All right. Don't show any insecurities that's the worst.
[Chris lends Andy his sunglasses]
Chris : and uh...
Brad : [Serafine is approaching] Split. She's coming. She's coming.
Chris : [stuffs condoms in Andy's shirt pocket] Here, be prepared.
Andy McDermott : [embarrassed] Oh, wait. Come on. Chris, it's our first date
[takes condoms back out to hand them back]
Chris : [goes off to the side with Brad while looking at a map] What are you a nun? Be cool. And, um-- show attitude.
Andy McDermott : [leans on street lamp] Serafine?
Serafine Pigot : Hi
Andy McDermott : Hi
Serafine Pigot : I didn't recognize you.
Andy McDermott : [referring to his sunglasses] vOh, yeah. Uh-- well, it's bright.
Serafine Pigot : What would you like to do?
Andy McDermott : I don't know. Is there a.. cafe?
Serafine Pigot : [chuckles] We're in Paris
Serafine : [Serafine leads Andy to a entrance that leads to a drain pipe to save him] Through there, hurry.
Andy McDermott : Why? Where are we going?
[He kisses her; she starts transforming, she grabs the back of his shirt]
Andy McDermott : Whoa.
Serafine : [repressing her transformation] You must go before it's too late.
Andy McDermott : What? Now? We just got started.
[She shoves him through the hole to get him going]
Andy McDermott : I'll never understand women.
Serafine : [barely holding back from transforming] Run. Your life is in danger.
Andy McDermott : Really? Why? Is Claude your boyfriend?
Serafine : [in pain she puts her hand on her face] Ugh. Please go. Go. Go.
[She suddenly looks at him her face starting to transform her voice sounding demonic]
Serafine : Dammit run!
Andy McDermott : Serafine, what's wrong?
[She throws a brick at him to get him to move along; he avoids getting hit]
Andy McDermott : What are you doing?
Serafine : Run. Run for your life Andy. Run.
[She throws another brick at him he manages to avoid getting hit again and finally moved along]