Mark Pellegrino credited as playing...
Treehorn Thug #2
- Blond Treehorn Thug: [holding up a bowling ball] What the fuck is this?
- The Dude: Obviously you're not a golfer.
- The Dude: Nobody calls me Lebowski. You got the wrong guy. I'm the Dude, man.
- Blond Treehorn Thug: Your name's Lebowski, Lebowski. Your wife is Bunny.
- The Dude: My... my wi-, my wife, Bunny? Do you see a wedding ring on my finger? Does this place look like I'm fucking married? The toilet seat's up, man!
- [while dunking the Dude's head in the toilet]
- Blond Treehorn Thug: Where's the money, Lebowski? Where's the fucking money, shithead?
- The Dude: It's uh... uh... it's down there somewhere, let me take another look.
- Blond Treehorn Thug: [holding a bowling ball] What the fuck is this?
- The Dude: Obviously, you're not a golfer.