Halle Berry credited as playing...
- Nina: ...Yo.
- Sen. Jay Billington Bulworth: Yo. Yo, yo, yo to you.
- Nina: Later.
- Sen. Jay Billington Bulworth: I was, uh, hoping for sooner.
- Sen. Jay Billington Bulworth: Why do you think there are no more black leaders?
- Nina: Some people think it's because they all got killed. But I happen to think it's because of the decimation of the manufacturing base in the urban centers. An energized optinistíc population throws up energized, optimistic leaders. And when you shift manufacturing to the Sun Belt in the Third World, you destroy the blue collar core of the biack activist population. Higher domestic employment means jobs for African Americans. World War meant lots of jobs tor black folks: That is what energized the community for the Civil Rights movement of the 50s the 60s. An energized, hopeful community will not only produce leaders but more importantly it'll produce leaders they'll respond to. Now what do you think, Senator?