A big disappointment. With Zack Galligan, from GREMLINS, I expected to see more. However, not all his fault. Story was trite and not a surprise. Doug Campbell's direction was pretty good. But the story was just plain awful. Really, killing off all those people, and no one sees him? Come on. And such a looker he was. Why did he have such a hard time finding a girl? Hard to believe this handsome fella had to go to the lengths he did to find true love.
And his lady love was a lot to be desired. Ashley Laurence had one expression throughout the movie. Lips slightly parted and a vacant stare in her eyes. She acts like the world is going on outside her brain but she's not aware. Funny, when she gets cornered in the attic she suddenly has all this fire and brimstone. Sorry, didn't buy it. I had no sympathy for her. In fact was sorry she won out in the end.
Mary Crosby, cast as the incestuous sister to Galligan, gave a surprisingly different and interesting performance. I liked her in this. Usually cast as the innocent girl-next-door type, she turned in a very fine performance, in spite of some hideous lines. Also such a waste to see Michael Bowen in a small role. I like this actor.
So, I give this silly film a 3 because I respect Galligan, Crosby and Bowen's talents.