Richard O'Brien credited as playing...
Mr Hand
- Mr. Hand: There used to be a ferry when I was a boy. Biggest thing you ever saw, lit up like a floating birthday cake.
- Emma Murdoch: That's just what my husband once said to me on this very spot.
- Mr. Hand: Where is your husband now?
- Emma Murdoch: I wish I knew. What brings you here?
- Mr. Hand: I met my wife at this place.
- Emma Murdoch: It's where I first met my husband.
- Mr. Hand: Small world.
- Mr. Hand: But I wanted to know what it was like... how you feel.
- John Murdoch: You know how I was supposed to feel. That person isn't me... never was. You wanted to know what it was about us that made us human. Well, you're not going to find it...
- [Murdoch points at his head]
- John Murdoch: here. You were looking in the wrong place.
- [from the director's cut]
- Mr. Hand: We're very lucky when you think about it.
- Emma Murdoch: I'm sorry?
- Mr. Hand: To be able to revisit those places which have meant so very much to us.
- Emma Murdoch: I thought it was more that we were haunted by them.
- Mr. Hand: Perhaps. But imagine a life Alien to yours. In which you memories were not your own, but those shared by every other of you kind. Imagine the torment of such an experiences to call your own.
- Emma Murdoch: If it was all you knew, maybe it would be a comfort.
- Mr. Hand: But if you were to discover something different...Something....better.
- Mr. Hand: [stomps on a newspaper clipping] So it seems you discovered your unpleasant nature.
- John Murdoch: Who are you?
- Mr. Hand: We might ask the same question, yes? Sleep... now.
- [Murdoch opens the door to what should be Shell Beach and instead sees the same sign he saw earlier advertising it. Murdoch walks up to the sign, confused]
- Dr. Schreber: There is no ocean, John. There is nothing beyond the city. The only place home exists... is in your head.
- [Chuckles a bit at the irony]
- Dr. Schreber: [Murdoch and Inspector Bumstead tear the sign from the wall, exposing bricks. They then begin to hammer at the bricks with pickaxes]
- Dr. Schreber: No! No! John, stop! No! Stop! Please! No!
- [Bumstead and Murdoch reach a soft spot in the bricks and begin to pry at it. John, frustrated, uses his tuning to push away the brick wall. What results is the bricks falling away exposing space, almost sucking Bumstead out and showing the bricks crashing against the ship's newly exposed forcefield. Murdoch and Bumstead stand there, stunned. Meanwhile, a group of aliens walks in from behind them]
- John Murdoch: What?
- Mr. Hand: And now you know the truth.
- [Fight ensues]
- Mr. Wall: She knows nothing, Mr. Hand.
- Mr. Hand: A dead end... Yes, Mr. Wall?
- Mr. Wall: We thought his imprint would allow us to track him, but instead we have been brought here. This is irrational.
- Mr. Hand: Instincts are irrational, Mr. Wall, and we must follow where they lead... Yes?
- Mr. Rain: Mr. Sleep suggests that he might go to places familiar... His job...
- [is interrupted by Mr. Hand]
- Mr. Hand: He does not care about our job...
- [is interrupted by Mr. Wall]
- Mr. Wall: Indulge us, Mr. Hand. If you were Murdoch... Yes?
- Mr. Hand: If I were Murdoch... I would remember how my wife had hurt me by sleeping with another man. And then, I would look for a way to hurt her in return... Leave me alone with her
- [May]
- Mr. Hand: , there is work to be done.
- [after overhearing a phone call between Emma and Karl]
- Mr. Hand: Karl. Uncle Karl. Haven't seen you in so long. Yes.
- [Floats away]
- Mr. Hand: Dr. Schreber, most unfortunate it is that we were forced to seek you out here. You know uncomfortable we find all this... moisture.