Dilbert, the animated series, easily lives up to all expectations having come from the most popular comic strip in the world.
Unlike most TV shows, animated or live action, Dilbert actually got better as it went on. It started out good, and became great. It has the same witty 'water-cooler' humor as the comic strip, as well as the traditional 'zaney' antics that most cartoons feature. Although it can be most appreciated by those who have either been a cubical worker, or have close friends or family that were, this show is just as entertaining to those who do not understand what the phrase "ISO 9000" means.
This show could have, and should have, been a long running and successful animated series, just like the comic strip. However, it did not get national exposure (they didn't even air it in Saint Louis--I saw it for the first time in Chicago), and was never picked up by any major networks until Comedy Central featured it late in their Sunday night lineup for a few months. If the show had gotten a decent time-slot on a major network, and had actually been advertised....I think it could have continued on for many years to come.
Hopefully it will make a comeback. Its easily one of the funniest shows ever made.