Kristen Wilson credited as playing...
Lisa Dolittle
- Dr. John Dolittle: ...Your daughter's turning into a little wise-ass.
- Lisa Dolittle: Worse. She's turning into a little YOU.
- Lisa Dolittle: [John has bought Lisa a fancy new sports car] Oh, my God! John, you didn't!
- Dr. John Dolittle: No, I didn't. The van's around the corner. But don't tell me you don't care about money.
- Lisa Dolittle: [John has just been talking to an owl when Lisa joins him outside] Oh, my goodness - It's an owl.
- Dr. John Dolittle: Yeah - it's a big, nasty owl. Let's go in.
- Lisa Dolittle: It's beautiful.
- Dr. John Dolittle: They're very dangerous: they can poke your eye out; take your finger off very easily... all of that.
- [John is about to operate on the Tiger]
- Lisa Dolittle: [appears in doctor's outfit] John... what did he say?
- Dr. John Dolittle: He said he's afraid.
- Lisa Dolittle: ...There's more to this HMO deal than money. You sell, they own you.
- Dr. John Dolittle: Lisa, this is gonna be good for us.
- Lisa Dolittle: I'm so tired of that rap. It's always for US, but sometimes I don't know who US *IS!*
- Lisa Dolittle: [while John is operating on the tiger] He still thinks he can talk to animals.
- Archer Dolittle: He can Lisa. He *can* talk to animals. It started when he was young. I thought it was a handicap. But it's a gift Lisa
- Dr. John Dolittle: [annoyed that Maya is pestering him about an egg] I don't know what all the fuss is about. We went and bought you that thing anyway. You got a pet. What was that pet rat thing that we bought?
- Maya Dolittle, Lisa Dolittle, Charisse Dolittle: A guinea pig.
- Dr. John Dolittle: We got you the guinea rat, and the thing died. It's not our fault that it died.
- Maya Dolittle: It didn't die. His name is Rodney, and he's in my room.
- Dr. John Dolittle: So why are you bothering me about this swan? I'm going to work. I'm out of here. Good-bye.