The jump that the General makes over the creek near the end of the film is stock footage from the old shows, and it has been used more than once.
The CB antennae on the rear deck lid keeps disappearing and reappearing throughout the movie.
Daisy tells her family that Bertha Jo is going to be her maid of honor, yet Daisy only asks BJ about it later, during an intermission in the boxing match.
The blood on Bo's lip suddenly disappears after fighting the thugs at Mama Max's hideout.
The General Lee crashes through a fence, drives through a bale of hay, jumps through and destroys an old barn, and finally lands at a nearly 45 degree angle where the trunk touches the ground first. Miraculously, throughout all of this, the General never shows one scratch of damage.
During the climactic river jump, when the passenger-side mounted camera is visible, the inter-cut mid-air, behind-the-tire footage is reversed. As the camera was mounted on the passenger side, the car body should appear on the left, but is to the right instead, and the painted "1" is seen instead of the "0" (driver side front-to-back should read "01").
The environmental impact study that Daisy shows to Roscoe is about a subdivision of lots; it has nothing to do with swamp development.
Near the end of the movie, when the General Lee makes the jump over the river, before the finish line, a camera is visible attached to the right side of the car.