Unlike some of the comments I've read, I believe this movie is VERY REALISTIC! In fact, it's just like life. The way life is always throwing you a curve! Like when a horrible tragedy happens, then in time, along comes something beautiful to touch your life and make you alive again.
I know about tragedy. I lost a 21-year-old daughter in an auto accident. In the film, Mallory (Sean Young), portrays the pain and mourning so well!!! You don't feel like you can go on. You wake up each morning and pray that it was all a horrible nightmare.
Okay, maybe the film WAS unrealistic in one aspect. Where Detective DeMarco (Jack Scalia) allows Mallory to come along with him for the interrogation and arrest, but that's minor to me.
Jack Scalia and Sean Young were very believable. The love they portrayed came across as very genuine.
The moral of the story? What's that saying?..."When God closes a door He always opens a window." A definite 10/10 in my book! :)