Mark Strong credited as playing...
- Paul Ashworth: Leave it up to Arsenal to score one goal when they need two.
- Steve: You want them to score the second goal before they score the first?
- Steve: Stanley Matthews was playing First Division football when he was fifty.
- Paul Ashworth: I'll bet you any money you like you're not playing First Division football when you're fifty.
- Steve: [looks at his cigarette] Well, no. It's the smoking.
- Paul Ashworth: It's NOT the smoking, Steve. It's the crapness.
- [Paul's doorbell is buzzing during the last minute of Liverpool v. Arsenal]
- Paul Ashworth: [out a window, not really seeing who it is] Will you please, please, please, please, please just fucking FUCK OFF? You have arrived during the worst sixty seconds of my life, and I really don't want to see you.
- [the window slams shut. The visitor is revealed to be Sarah]
- Paul Ashworth: [to Steve] Why ask? And what sort of berk would do that? You'd just about forgive an alien visitor from the planet Tharg, but even then, you'd have...
- [Paul realizes what he's done and runs to the door]
- Steve: Where're you going? You're mad. You might miss something.