Chris Penn credited as playing...
- Det. Phillip Braxton: [Braxton goes to a church. Spots a confession booth, gets in and meets with Frank, a priest but also an employee of Mook, a gangster. Braxton knocks on the wooden window inside the booth] You in there?
- Priest: Of course I am. Good to see you, Phil.
- Det. Phillip Braxton: Well, here it is anyway.
- [Gives Frank a small envelope through one of the windows' openings]
- Priest: [Counts money. Finishes] There's only ten here, Phil.
- Det. Phillip Braxton: That's half, goddammit Frank! Who do you think I am? Donald fuckin' Trump? Jesus. Look ten grand ain't exactly chicken feed.
- Priest: I know. I know. Uh, it's a bad situation. Look, I'll talk to Mook. But I'm not making any promises. She wants 20.
- Det. Phillip Braxton: She knows I ain't got it.
- Priest: Don't shoot the goddamn messenger for Christ's sakes. These guys been around this town a long time. They're ingrown. I sure as shit ain't gonna let some penny, any flatfoot deal go at the bottom of the deck, I can tell you that right now.
- [Rambles incoherently]
- Priest: You just have to give it to her. There's no getting around it.
- Det. Phillip Braxton: Who does this bitch think she-?
- Priest: Easy. Easy. There's nothing to get upset about.
- Det. Phillip Braxton: Nothing to get upset about, Frank? I'm broke! Oh. How could I have gotten myself into this? Will you pray for me?
- Det. Phillip Braxton: [He frowns] What?
- Det. Phillip Braxton: You're still a priest, ain't you?
- Priest: [Thinks for a second] Oh yeah. Right.
- Det. Phillip Braxton: Anything. A Hail Mary or...
- Priest: Whatever you want Phil. Uhh...
- [He does the sign of the cross]
- Priest: May God be with you.