The film Maharaha was originally started in 1990 with Anil Kapoor and Sridevi. Jackie was first approached for the film but he declined. The film was to be produced by actor Rajan Sippy. Anil Kapoor wanted Manisha Koirala for the film. But Subhash Ghai advised her it was a wrong film to do. The film's story line was also different at this time. There was talk that Sridevi wanted the title to be "Maharani". When the film got shelved, Anil Sharma started the film "Kohinoor" in 1992 with Govinda and Rukhsar. Music was to be by Jatin Lalit and the film to be produced by Anuj Sharma and directed by Sanjay Sharma. The project got further delayed. Anil Sharma finally got the film restarted with the title "Maharaja" with Govinda and Manisha Koirala. Nadeem Shravan were signed for the music and Anil Sharma was in the director's chair.
Anu Malik was signed for the film but later opted out.
Last film of Govinda and Manisha.
The film was delayed for 2 years.
The film released theatrically in Canada.