Christine Elise credited as playing...
Laurel Cooper Rogers
- [last lines]
- Celeste Cooper: [with the reporters] Laurel?
- [Laurel glares at her]
- Celeste Cooper: It's not too late to tell them, sweetheart. Tell them, Laurel. Tell them I did it all for you.
- Laurel Cooper Rogers: [bows her head down in anger] Goodbye, Mother.
- Celeste Cooper: [leaves with the reporters] That's OK, she's just confused. When this is over, she'll know that I was right, and everything will be back to normal. Everything will be normal again.
- Celeste Cooper: Laurel, look at me. I am black and blue! I tried to warn you and now he's attacked me.
- Laurel Cooper Rogers: Don't worry about the bruises. I saw Dr Johnson. The plastic surgeon. You had your eyes done.
- Ted Rogers: Well, I guess I don't need a college education to figure out that I'm not wanted.
- Laurel Cooper Rogers: I'm sorry. She has ideas, she's disappointed you're not a doctor or a lawyer.
- Ted Rogers: Yeah? So am I.