Rig and Charlie steal a station wagon and are later seen driving their old car which was shot.
When the gas attendant fires his gun at the SUV, the driver's side wing mirror is struck and hangs off the side of the vehicle. When the SUV stops for T to have a toilet stop, the wing mirror is attached correctly. A few shots later, the wing mirror is once again hanging off the side.
During the chase scene, the villain tosses his cigarette out the window into the SUV, but the same cigarette appears back with the villain in the next shot.
When Nick is shot in the arm, there is no hole in his shirt.
At the picnic, Nick puts mustard on the hot dog. But when he puts the hot dog to his mouth, there is no mustard on it.
When 'T' falls out of the back window of Nick's SUV, he ends up rolling backwards on the street, in a direction opposite the momentum of the truck's direction.
In the scene where Martin Lawrence's character returns home for the second time, and his children come and sit with him, you see the son kneel on his crotch, and Martin Lawrence winces, laughs, and briefly looks at various points in the room, assumingly at crew members.
After the gas station attendant crashes into the sheriff's car that was chasing Nick and T, it is shown that the duo had escaped. While they're driving off, T is sitting upright in his seat which is very obvious with the big hole in the back window. But when the camera cuts to the interior and Nick looking back in the rearview mirror at supposedly the accident, the camera then cuts over to T who starts lifting his head up from under the dashboard.
During the final chase Rig instructs Charlie to shoot at Nick's Yukon. Charlie shoots through the back window and when the camera cuts to the front windshield of Nick's Yukon, the Yukon is actually off during this scene. The radio's clock is absent and for a brief moment you can see the red GM theftlock light on the radio blink. However, when Nick pulls up after T shot out the tire of Charlie's car, the clock on the radio has magically reappeared.
During the chase with the gas station attendant, when the sheriff's car first showed up, the Yukon's clock said 6:46. Immediately Nick yells "Great!" and whips the steering wheel to go back in the other direction. While spinning, the clock reads 6:51. This definitely would not have taken 5 minutes to complete. Due to the various amounts of skid marks on the road, it is obvious this was done in several different takes.
When Martin Lawrence picks up a shotgun from the backseat of the Yukon, you hear the sound of a pump action shotgun, but the shotgun he picks up is a breech loading shotgun.
When Nick and T are arguing in the desert after escaping from the gas station that T robbed, there is the top of a car visible over Nick's right shoulder when they are on the drivers side of the vehicle.
When the security officer gets off the elevator, the pivot that allows him to do his "gunslinger" moves with the flashlight is sometimes visible.
Nick drives past a sign that reads "Welcome to Arizona" but the desert landscape is clearly Mojave not Sonoran.