Jada Pinkett Smith credited as playing...
- Lyric: Jason, I am TRYING to love you, but I don't want my heart broken. But that's exactly what you're gonna do if you keep trying to save a brother that don't want to be saved!
- Jason Alexander: [after he and Lyric travel to the bayou] Damn, it's quiet out here! I should've brought my radio.
- Lyric: [Smiling] No, it's not quiet. It's full of music. Just listen.
- Jason Alexander: Hi, um, Jason. I'm Jason Alexander.
- Lyric: That's very nice to know, Jason. Now, can I have my keys? My brother does need his truck and I do need to get to work.
- Jason Alexander: [Giving the car keys] Where do you work?
- Lyric: [Chuckles] Why, you looking for a job?
- Jason Alexander: No, I just thought maybe, you know, one night we could get together...
- Lyric: Well... If it's meant to be, you'll find me.
- [Smiling]
- Jason Alexander: Beautiful night, ain't it?
- Lyric: [Rolling eyes] Magical.
- Jason Alexander: Damn, you're cold. You always this difficult?
- Lyric: Can't you find somebody else to harass?
- Jason Alexander: Harass? I thought I was being charming.
- Lyric: Wrong.
- Jason Alexander: Come on, let me give you a ride.
- Lyric: Look, I don't know you, okay? For all I know, you're a gangster. And I don't ride with no gangsters.
- Jason Alexander: Yo, I ain't no gangster. I got a job. You know what I'm saying? No drugs. No guns. I sell TVs all day long. I sold you one, as a matter of fact. I wear this corny uniform, eat fried chicken almost every day, because my mama works at Frenchy's. I have nightmares that I'm gonna grow wings and cluck like a chicken! I ask you, is that the life of a gangster?
- Lyric: [Cannot contain her smile]
- Jason Alexander: You smile.
- Lyric: [Stop smiling] So?
- Jason Alexander: So... I guess you come here a lot.
- Lyric: Best place in town to watch the sunset.
- [Pointing at the sunset]
- Lyric: Look at that.
- Jason Alexander: I ain't never really watched the sun set before.
- Jason Alexander: [When walking Lyric back home] So tell me something. When can we get together again? 'Cause, you know, I was thinking that maybe we could just...
- Lyric: [Putting her fingers on Jason's lips] Surprise me.
- Jason Alexander: This round's on me.
- Lyric: Jason, what are you doing?
- Jason Alexander: You said, "Surprise me."
- Lyric: Well, I didn't mean for you to go steal no bus!
- Jason Alexander: This bus belongs to us for the day. My man hooked this up. Come on. I'm gonna take you to a special place.
- Lyric: [Still confused while entering the bus] I don't know about this. Jason, you sure about this?
- Jason Alexander: Well, don't be scared. You scared? I'll take care.
- Lyric: I can take care of myself just fine, thank you.
- Jason Alexander: Yeah, but I'll take care of you better.
- Lyric: Oh, you think so?
- Jason Alexander: I know it.
- Jason Alexander: [sigh] You'll stay with me?
- Lyric: [Smiling] Yeah.
- Jason Alexander: I'm so tired. I just wanna sleep without nightmares tonight.