When Vi is walking to Main Street, Frank brings her a vanilla ice cream cone, which jumps repeatedly from her right hand to her left between shots.
When Frank draws the female reproductive system on V's leotard, the drawing is different in close shots and long shots.
The location of the lightning bolt on the backpack changes when the light is on and off.
After the car in front has crossed the railroad track just in front of the train, the car chasing the first car approaches the track as the train is still approaching the crossing.
The dance is advertised as a "sock hop," which requires participants to remove their shoes before walking on the basketball court and dancing in their socks. Most, if not all, were wearing shoes.
At apprx. 1:36:01, when the fire department is responding to the car explosion, the Engine comes to a stop partially on the tracks where a train had just passed. Firefighters would never stop apparatus on an active set of tracks.
A tin can telephone will only work when the string is taut. When Frank first uses it to call V in the tree fort, the string is quite clearly hanging slack.
When Tom has a fight at the school dance, he punches the guy in the back, but the sound of the punch is delayed.
Vee flushes and identifies a "Glossy Ibis." This species lives within about 50 miles of the south Atlantic and Gulf coasts, and would not be found in Pittsburgh.
Frank receives no consequences after purposely locking his teacher out of the classroom during his presentation to the class. He would have failed the assignment and his father would have received a phone call from the school.
V visits the school to assist Frank in his oral biology presentation, without permission and without school security being alerted afterwards. The teacher would have had an obligation to report an unauthorized visitor in her classroom, and several students clearly recognize her, yet the class is never questioned. V later turns up at the dance with no more mention of the previous incident or concerns raised by the school's faculty.