In a dystopian future, off-world bounty hunters called "trashmen" are given weaponized vehicles with boost packs by the military government to chase after mercenaries, criminals and other en... Read allIn a dystopian future, off-world bounty hunters called "trashmen" are given weaponized vehicles with boost packs by the military government to chase after mercenaries, criminals and other enemies off-road until they blow up their vehicles. Every level has a boss fight at the end.... Read allIn a dystopian future, off-world bounty hunters called "trashmen" are given weaponized vehicles with boost packs by the military government to chase after mercenaries, criminals and other enemies off-road until they blow up their vehicles. Every level has a boss fight at the end. If the player fails to kill the opponents in given time, the game is over. The game featu... Read all