1 review
I was very much surprised by the quality of this 'made for television film'. The acting and script are top notch, and Mel Harris and Ted Shackleford are well cast.
Once I started watching this well crafted murder mystery,I was truly compelled to see it through to the end. A few scripting glitches here and there do not dull the relentless driving force of the production. The fine acting skillfully closes the gaps of the occasional dash,of the illogical.
If there is a problem with this production, it has to be the clods who portray the police. Every time they're on the screen one feels as though we're seeing what the Keystone cops would be like if they were integrated; and I'm stating this as a Black person. The unnecessary inclusion of these idiots (more than likely as some demented form of comic relief)almost destroys an otherwise almost perfect production.
Once I started watching this well crafted murder mystery,I was truly compelled to see it through to the end. A few scripting glitches here and there do not dull the relentless driving force of the production. The fine acting skillfully closes the gaps of the occasional dash,of the illogical.
If there is a problem with this production, it has to be the clods who portray the police. Every time they're on the screen one feels as though we're seeing what the Keystone cops would be like if they were integrated; and I'm stating this as a Black person. The unnecessary inclusion of these idiots (more than likely as some demented form of comic relief)almost destroys an otherwise almost perfect production.