One of four Russian films ever to win Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. The others are War and Peace (1965), Dersu Uzala (1975) and Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1980)
The title song is "To ostatnia niedziela" written in 1935 by Jerzy Petersburski with Polish lyrics by Zenon Fredwald. In 1936 the first Russian version was recorded by Klavdiya Shulzhenko. That same year, Aleksandr Tsfasman recorded his version with new Russian lyrics by Iosif Albeck who wrote the opening line: "Utomlyonnoe solntse... " Burnt by the Sun is a loose English translation of the song title, alluding to Soviet dictatorship hoisting Stalin to the sun.
Music used was from the works of the following composers: Dmitri Shostakovich, Isaak Dunaevskiy, Aleksandr Tsfasman, Vladimir Trofimov, S. Dechkine, Iou Khait (from credits).
Songs used were from the works of the following songwriters: Boris Kornilov, V. Lebediev-Koumatch, A. Jarov, V. Schmidtof, P.Guerman, Iosif Alvek (from credits).