While making the circuit of talk shows to promote this movie, Dennis Hopper stated it was the strangest movie he had been in.
While billed as a sequel to Cast a Deadly Spell (1991), this is actually a reinterpretation of the concept in the 1950's instead of the 1940's; there is no continuity between the films but they share one point in common: real-life horror writer H.P. Lovecraft turned in fictional private detective; Harry Lovecraft in the Martin Campbell's film and H. Phillip Lovecraft in this movie.
A TV movie for the HBO network.
Sheryl Lee Ralph replaces Arnetia Walker in the role of Hypolita in this movie. Both actresses have appeared in the Broadway musical "Dreamgirls".
Senator Larson Crockett, Eric Bogosian's character, is loosely inspired in the real-life Senator Joseph McCarthy. As Crockett in the movie, McCarthy started a prosecution against Hollywood under suspicion not about witches and magic, but possible communists in the industry and any sympathizer of the communist cause that supported USSR.