C. Martin Croker credited as playing...
Zorak • Moltar
- Brak: Hey, Zorak, was that your chicken sandwich in the refrigerator?
- Zorak: Yes, why do you ask?
- Brak: Because I ate it.
- Zorak: No you didn't...
- Brak: Yes I did.
- Zorak: Even though it was in a brown paper bag with the letters 'Z-O-R-A-K' on the sides. Do you know what that spells?
- Brak: Ummmm... there's a yummy chicken sandwich in here and you need to eat it?
- [Zorak screams]
- Brak: Well I wouldn't have eaten it if I knew it was yours! I thought it was Space Ghost's!
- Space Ghost: And it would have been perfectly fine to eat my chicken sandwich?
- Brak: Yours was a ham sandwich.
- Space Ghost: How do you know that?
- Brak: Because I ate that too!
- Space Ghost: Well now what are Zorak and I going to have for lunch?
- Brak: Why don't you order a pizza?
- Space Ghost: They won't deliver here anymore... maybe because they don't like being bitten!
- Brak: Hey that guy bit me first!
- Space Ghost: Whatever!
- Brak: Well, I guess this is one of those bad news/good news situations. The bad news is that your guys' sandwiches got eaten, and the good news is... I'm not hungry anymore!
- [Laughs]
- Brak: Mostly... well, maybe I'm just a little bit hungry.
- Brak: [pause] I guess I'll just go and eat my own sandwich.
- Zorak: Lets get him!
- Brak: Aaaawwww boy! You guys get away from my olive loaf!
- Brak: I forget how to be mean, that radiation half-lobotomized me.
- Space Ghost: Say, I've got an idea. Let Zorak teach you how to be mean.
- Zorak: Oh, man! Do I hafta?
- Space Ghost: Yes, you hafta.
- Zorak: Okay Brak. Repeat after me. Space Ghost! I will destroy you!
- Brak: Space Ghost! I will destroy you... if you don't mind.
- Zorak: Brak, tell me you didn't eat my sandwich.
- Brak: Okay, I didn't eat your sandwich.
- Zorak: But you did, didn't you?
- Brak: Yes.
- Zorak: Even though it was in a brown paper bag with big letters on the side. Z-O-R-A-K. Do you know what that spells?
- Brak: Umm, there'sayummychickensandwhichinhereandyouneedtoeatit?
- Space Ghost: Look at me! I have a big head! My head is huge! What do you think, Zorak?
- Zorak: Big head! Big head! Big *fat* head!
- Space Ghost: I have a big head! I'm having a big head day! How's your big head day, kids?
- Zorak: Big fat head day!
- Space Ghost: Shut up, bug.
- Space Ghost: I'm an ordinary guy, except I can fly, and sometimes, I'm invisible. All day long, I'm just right and wrong, and making evil villains miserable.
- Zorak: Boy, you can say that again.
- Space Ghost: I love making evil villains miserable!
- Zorak: Of all the cartoon shows in all the Universe, I get stuck on this one!
- Space Ghost: Zorak, what's wrong?
- Zorak: The TV... I've been hypnotized by... the TV.
- Space Ghost: Really?
- Zorak: Yes... the TV... must watch more of the TV.
- Space Ghost: And you should too, kids! TV is good for you. It gave me a job and helped me put food in the mouths of my two kids, Eugene and Doris, and my darling wife, Charlene.
- Zorak: Eugene and Doris? Ha ha ha ha ha! You geek!
- Space Ghost: Oh, what's in a name?
- Space Ghost: I got a doodle in my noodle, and his name is Minky Boodle.
- Zorak: Minky Boodle!
- Brak: Minky Boodle!
- Zorak: Minky Boodle!
- Brak: Minky Boodle!
- Space Ghost: I got my mojo rising. There's a poodle in my stroodle.
- Zorak: Minky Boodle!
- Brak: Minky Boodle!
- Zorak: Minky Boodle!
- Brak: Minky Boodle!
- Space Ghost: [humming]
- Zorak: Oh... I'm sick of this.
- Brak: Minky Boodle!
- Zorak: Shut up, Brak!
- Brak: Oh!
- Space Ghost: I got a doodle in my noodle, and his name is Minky Boodle.
- Zorak: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!...
- Brak: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!...
- Space Ghost: How beautiful! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
- Brak: [singing] This is the song that doesn't end / It just goes on and on, my friends / Some people started singing it not knowing what it was / And they'll just keep on singing it forever just because / This is the song that never ends / It just goes on and on, my friends.
- Zorak: Brak!
- Brak: What?
- Zorak: Stop singing that stupid song!
- Brak: I can't stop it! It's the song that never ends!
- [continues singing]
- Brak: Some people started singing it not knowing what it was / And they'll just keep on singing it forever just because.
- Zorak: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Stop it!
- Brak: What? It just ended.
- Zorak: The life of a rodeo clown, is such an interesting life. I should know, for I am a rodeo clown.
- Space Ghost: Oh, you are not!
- Zorak: I am too.
- Space Ghost: You are not!
- Zorak: Well, I want to be a rodeo clown.
- Space Ghost: That doesn't count.
- Zorak: Once upon a midnight clammy, I was playing poker with Gandorf and Sammy. Gandorf had dealt me jacksons and fives, when I heard a tapping at my window on high. I climbed to the attic, so dreary and black; and who should I see there tapping, but Brak!
- Brak: I had a bad dream, I can't get back to sleep! It had a big fat bird in it, he gave me the creeps! The bird kept saying; "Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore, hey nevermore, nevermore, nevermore, nevermore, nevermore, nevermore, nevermore..."
- Zorak: Alright, alright already! Alright! Ugh. I let Brak in the window, and we went downstairs. Gandorf and Sammy were asleep in their chairs. We turned on the TV, and watched "Coast to Coast", the show that has a meatball for a host! Muahahahahaha!
- Brak: Ahahahaha, haha you said meatball! Hahahaha!
- Space Ghost: Zorak, I have just received transmission from Earth. It's from Count Floyd.
- Zorak: [before Count Floyd's segment begins] Oh, well, let's hear what the old bat has to say.
- Space Ghost: [when Count Floyd's segment ends] That's it. I've lost the signal. Don't fret, kiddies. Count Floyd will be back next week.