Jonathan Taylor Thomas credited as playing...
Tom Sawyer
- Tom Sawyer: Huck! Hey, Huck! Muff Potter's my friend. And when a friend's in trouble, you can't run away.
- Becky Thatcher: Oh Tom, it's, it's, what is it?
- Tom Sawyer: It's your engagement ring.
- Becky Thatcher: It's beautiful.
- Tom Sawyer: It sure is. Why when I was engaged to Amy Lawrence she...
- Becky Thatcher: What? You mean I'm not the first?
- Tom Sawyer: No Becky, that was ages ago. Two months at least.
- Becky Thatcher: I hate you. I hate you and I hope you die.
- Tom Sawyer: Muff's innocent Huck, we gotta help him.
- Huck Finn: We ain't gotta do nothing.
- Tom Sawyer: You'd let him hang for something he didn't do.
- Huck Finn: It ain't no skin off my back.
- Tom Sawyer: Hello Huck!
- Huck Finn: Hello yourself and see how you like it.
- Tom Sawyer: Watcha doin' down here?
- Huck Finn: Lookin for jackasses.
- Tom Sawyer: Under a bridge?
- Huck Finn: I found one, didn't I?
- Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn: [both laugh]
- Tom Sawyer: I thought we was friends Huck.
- Huck Finn: You thought wrong. I ain't got no friends. Ain't got time for 'em. But if I did have one I'd want him to be like you.
- Injun Joe: [Injun Joe schemes to fatally stab Tom]
- Huck Finn: HEY!
- [kicks Injun Joe]
- Injun Joe: I know you.
- Tom Sawyer: [Huck pushes Tom behind him] Huck...
- Injun Joe: You're Pap Finn's boy... Blueberry.
- Huck Finn: Huckleberry.
- Injun Joe: Your daddy was the best knife fighter on the Mississippi. Did he teach you?
- Huck Finn: He taught me.
- Injun Joe: Ahhh then let's see what you got, river trash.
- [laughs]
- Huck Finn: [Injun Joe pulls out his knife] I ain't river trash!
- Injun Joe: Come on!
- Huck Finn: [Injun Joe swings knife, Huck dodges]
- Injun Joe: [Injun Joe slams Huck into wall]
- Huck Finn: [small yelp]
- Injun Joe: You got guts boy. And in a minute they're gonna be on the ground.
- Tom Sawyer: Let's see ya hit this!
- Injun Joe: [turns around]
- Tom Sawyer: [holds chest over the chasm]
- Injun Joe: NOOOOOO!
- Tom Sawyer: So why'd ya come back, Huck?
- Huck Finn: Figured if you did it alone, you'd probably splotch it up.
- Tom Sawyer: Yeah, probably.
- Huck Finn: He's drunk asleep. Shouldn't be too hard to get that map.
- Tom Sawyer: Then let's get it and git.
- Tom Sawyer: [begins approaching Injun Joe, then notices Huck's not following] Ain't ya comin'?
- Huck Finn: One map don't need the two of us. I'll wait here.
- Widow Douglas: Now that you're alive again, Tom Sawyer, you should set your mind to being useful. A young man doesn't want to waste his time... Foolin' folks and fallin' out of church ceilings.
- Aunt Polly: She is absolutely right. Come on. We're going home.
- Tom Sawyer: Ow! Ow! Aunt Polly, I just fell 15 feet onto a hard floor. Ow!
- Huck Finn: According to this, you should be dead and rottin' right about now.
- Tom Sawyer: I had to help Muff. Not helpin' him woulda been wrong.
- Huck Finn: I know but, you swore an oath Tom, don't that mean anythin' to ya?
- Tom Sawyer: Of course it does. It's just, it felt like the right thing to do. Huck it was the right thing to do.
- Huck Finn: No. You swore an oath Tom, you swore.
- Tom Sawyer: What if we could get the map? That'd prove Muff's innocent and we wouldn't break our oath.
- Huck Finn: Only one problem. That map is in Injun Joe's pocket.
- Huck Finn: You gonna let her do that to you?
- Tom Sawyer: I think she likes me.
- Huck Finn: She pushes you off a bridge cuz she likes you?
- Tom Sawyer: [Tom nods]
- Huck Finn: [Huck blows smoke in Tom's face] I think you're both crazy.
- Tom Sawyer: Hey Huck watcha got in the sack?
- Huck Finn: Dead cat. Wagon run over 'em. Guts come out both ends.
- Tom Sawyer: What's a dead cat good for?
- Huck Finn: To cure warts away.
- Tom Sawyer: Well, I got one. How's it work?
- Huck Finn: You take your dead cat to the graveyard on the day somebody wicked's been buried, and when the devil comes, you heave your cat at him and say "Devil follow corpse, cat follow devil, warts follow cat, I'm done with you". That'll fetch any wart.
- Tom Sawyer: Sounds right. So when are you gonna try it?
- Huck Finn: Tonight.
- Tom Sawyer: Lemme go with ya, Huck.
- Huck Finn: [shakes head] You might get scared.
- Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn: [at the graveyard]
- Huck Finn: [Huck making scary sounds] Dead seems kinda lively tonight don't they?
- Huck Finn: [whirls around] HAH!
- Tom Sawyer: [Tom yelps]
- Huck Finn: [Huck grins]
- Becky Thatcher: I can't believe it. I can't believe he's gone. I wish I could see him just one more time. I'd tell him I love him. And I'd hold him close, and I'd kiss him... Right in front of everybody.
- Huck Finn: Hey, I'm still here.
- Tom Sawyer: Huck!