Cult movie set in a turbulent and post-apocalyptic future , year 2048, Sonora desert , Texas, at a place called Atolladero where rules The Judge , a more than 150 year old man , he is supported by his enforcer underlings , and especially by an evil killer played by Iggy Pop . At a gas station called Texaco get together various outlandish characters , a veteran cop: Joaquin Hinojosa , his younger colleague: Pere Ponce , a preacher , an ominous henchman: Iggy Pop, and other strange roles . Things go wrong , when after a discussion the young cop is pursued by the band of the old judge , formed by evil hoodlums as the half Indian Madden : Iggy Pop, Sal : Félix Rotaeta and the partner himself , Nick : Joaquin Hinojosa, among others .
This is a moving, outlandish thriller with noisy action , chills , shootouts , black humor , chases , car crashes and lots of violence . This was a doomed film in low budget that suffered financing cuts , several interruptions , and death of a great actor during shooting :Félix Rotaeta. The picture pays tribute to the comic books world , including an agreeable homage to Silver Surfer by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby .The movie takes parts of known films as Mad Max series , Spaghetti/Paella Westerns , and Spanish filmmakers as Alex De la Iglesia and Pedro Almodovar . The cast is pretty good such as : Pere Ponce as an upright cop man who attempts to leave the corrupt place and begin a new life in California by drafting in in the L.A. Police Academy , and the Punk idol Iggy Pop in one of his longest intervention in cinema. And other very secondaries and cameos as Benito Pocino as a villager , Ariadna Gil and Mónica Van Campen .
The picture is well set in atmospheric wastelands scenarios similar to Spaghetti Western . However , no being shot in Almería , but in Bardenas Reales , Navarra , that bears remarkable resemblance to Almeria. Evocative and brilliant cinematography in yellow color style by Carlos Gusi. Although , a perfect remastering being utterly necessary, because of the film copy is wort-out. Thrilling and adequate musical score in Ennio Morricone wake , including attractive songs sung at the beginning and the end by Iggy Pop . And state-of-art special effects by the time , being carried out by the prestigious company DDT , which a bit later on, would win an Academy Award for Pan's labyrinth . The motion picture was originally directed by Oscar Aibar , being his film debut and it was a big effort to make it . Oscar Aibar is a good artisan , writer , producer and director . As he has realized a few but good films , such as : Platillos volantes , El Gran Vázquez , and has directed some episodes of the long series Cuéntame. Rating :6/10, decent , acceptable and passable film that will appeal to Science Fiction aficionados.