Denzel Washington credited as playing...
Easy Rawlins
- Easy Rawlins: A man once told me that you step out of your door in the morning, and you are already in trouble. The only question is are you on top of that trouble or not?
- [Easy takes a hammer to a bar top]
- Joppy: Stop that! That's my marble! My uncle left me that marble after he died!
- Easy Rawlins: Goddammit, he's about to get it back!
- Easy Rawlins: If you got a friend that you know does bad things, I mean real bad things, and you still keep him as a friend even though you know what he's like, do you think that's wrong?
- Degan Odell: All you got is your friends.
- Easy Rawlins: Everybody was peeing on my head and telling me it was raining. Guess they figured I was some new kind of fool, and maybe I was. 'Cause I was ready to start fighting back. And I believed somehow that I could live through this bad dream I was having.
- [last lines]
- Easy Rawlins: I thought about what Odell had said about friends, and it makes sense to me. Odell goes to church every Sunday, so he would know. Later on he challenged me to a game of dominoes - now what'd he go and do that for? We got to talking about Texas and fooled around, and drunk almost a quart of whiskey, and I forgot all about Daphne Monet, DeWitt Albright, Carter, and them. And I sat with my friend, on my porch, at my house. And we laughed a long time.
- [first lines]
- Easy Rawlins: It was summer 1948, and I needed money. After goin' door-to-door all day long, I was back again at Joppy's bar trying to figure out where I was gonna go looking for work the next day. The newspapers was goin' on and on about the city elections - like they was really gonna change somebody's life. But my life had already changed when I lost my job three weeks before.
- Easy Rawlins: Who was that on the phone?
- Mouse: Oh, uh... I don't know, man. Sounded like some white girl.
- [walks into bathroom, whistling]
- Easy Rawlins: Keep an eye on him.
- Mouse: [drunkenly turns his gun on a passed-out drunk Dupree] Where you goin'?
- Easy Rawlins: A rich man is willing to pay one thousand dollars just to talk to this girl. A thousand dollars! That's a hell of a lotta money, man! Frank!
- Mouse: Wait-wait-waitaminut-waitaminut. Let me try.
- [hoslsters his revolver, setting Frank at ease]
- Mouse: Now look here, Frank. It's-it's Frank, right? Frank?
- [pulls out a .22 and shoots Frank in the shoulder, prompting him to flee out the front door]
- Easy Rawlins: Damn it!
- Mouse: What the hell is wrong with you man! Don't you ever grab me when I got a gun in my hand! Shit! I got blood on my coat, Easy. It's a damn expensive coat.
- [passing two cops posted in a police car]
- Daphne Monet: Are you nervous?
- Easy Rawlins: [voiceover] Nervous? Here I was, in the middle of the night, in a white neighborhood, with a white woman in my car. No, I wasn't nervous. I was stupid.