25 reviews
WOW!!!! As a movie goer who watches at least four films per week, and who is very interested in the harrowing politics of the human soul, I can safely say that there has never been a better movie about alcoholism (no, not even "Days of Wine and Roses") than "Drunks". When I read the plot synopsis on the back cover of the tape case, I was expecting some preachy AA recruitment nonsense. This movie was nothing of the sort. "Drunks" is, for better or worse, a very realistic treatment of addiction, and of 12 step programs in general. The format of the film juxtaposes monologues from AA members during a meeting, with one off- the- wagon evening in the life of Richard Louis' character (I can't remember his name).
Richard Louis is not one of my favorite comedians (understatement of the year), but he pulls off a tour de force performance here. Due to Louis's textured performance, towards the end of "Drunks" I reached a full
understanding of his character, and the knowledge that recovery isn't just "quitting the sauce", but an individual's willingness to look his demons in the eye, and face up to his own particular hell. The ensemble cast of talented actors (including Calista Flockhart, Faye Dunawaye, Dianne Weist, Parker Posey, and a highly amusing Spaulding Grey) do wonders with their monolouges, which are so well written, you feel like you are there, eavesdropping on a meeting in a Times Square church meeting. I absolutely recommend this movie. I wish that it had gotten more publicity during its original theatrical release.
Richard Louis is not one of my favorite comedians (understatement of the year), but he pulls off a tour de force performance here. Due to Louis's textured performance, towards the end of "Drunks" I reached a full
understanding of his character, and the knowledge that recovery isn't just "quitting the sauce", but an individual's willingness to look his demons in the eye, and face up to his own particular hell. The ensemble cast of talented actors (including Calista Flockhart, Faye Dunawaye, Dianne Weist, Parker Posey, and a highly amusing Spaulding Grey) do wonders with their monolouges, which are so well written, you feel like you are there, eavesdropping on a meeting in a Times Square church meeting. I absolutely recommend this movie. I wish that it had gotten more publicity during its original theatrical release.
As others have stated "Drunks" is less a movie than a string of monologues. Since these monologues are presented by a group of very fine actors, "Drunks" is essential viewing for acting students.
The performances are uniformly strong, with stand outs from Faye Dunaway, Calista Flockhart and a particularly well drawn, understated turn by Dianne Wiest. A great pity that Kevin Corrigan and Sam Rockwell are around and given nothing much to do. Richard Lewis has the central role, and to his credit, puts in a convincing performance.
The other, far larger group for whom this movie has great relevance is that of the addictive personality. Although the movie is dealing with alcoholism, it could quite easily be substituted by a host of substances or activities which in effect take over and often ruin lives. "Drunks" very much brings home the suffering that addiction causes, while stressing the suffering which led to the addiction itself.
An unsatisfying film, whose parts in themselves, make it worthy.
The performances are uniformly strong, with stand outs from Faye Dunaway, Calista Flockhart and a particularly well drawn, understated turn by Dianne Wiest. A great pity that Kevin Corrigan and Sam Rockwell are around and given nothing much to do. Richard Lewis has the central role, and to his credit, puts in a convincing performance.
The other, far larger group for whom this movie has great relevance is that of the addictive personality. Although the movie is dealing with alcoholism, it could quite easily be substituted by a host of substances or activities which in effect take over and often ruin lives. "Drunks" very much brings home the suffering that addiction causes, while stressing the suffering which led to the addiction itself.
An unsatisfying film, whose parts in themselves, make it worthy.
- grahamclarke
- May 3, 2004
- Permalink
An inside peek at the goings-on of an unusually attractive Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Richard Lewis's character exists to provide a moral center for the film as it examines his desperate efforts to stay sober. The various members of the AA group provide different glimpses at what contributes to alcoholism and demonstrate that there is no one profile for what constitutes a "drunk."
There are very nice performances in this film, particularly those of a pre-Ally McBeal Calista Flockhart and Parker Posey. The film's scene stealer and the most memorable drunk of all, however, is monologuist Spalding Grey, doing a hilarious turn as a church choir member who shows up at the wrong church. In the midst of explaining his blunder to the group he rhapsodizes brilliantly on the importance of Guinness in his life and discovers quietly that gee, maybe he too has a drinking problem.
Overall the individual performances divert attention from the main storyline and provide more of a center for the film than Lewis, whose story is ultimately uninteresting. But check it out for Spalding Grey, who is probably the most natural actor in the film and a true pleasure to watch.
There are very nice performances in this film, particularly those of a pre-Ally McBeal Calista Flockhart and Parker Posey. The film's scene stealer and the most memorable drunk of all, however, is monologuist Spalding Grey, doing a hilarious turn as a church choir member who shows up at the wrong church. In the midst of explaining his blunder to the group he rhapsodizes brilliantly on the importance of Guinness in his life and discovers quietly that gee, maybe he too has a drinking problem.
Overall the individual performances divert attention from the main storyline and provide more of a center for the film than Lewis, whose story is ultimately uninteresting. But check it out for Spalding Grey, who is probably the most natural actor in the film and a true pleasure to watch.
"Drunks" is a satisfying glimpse into an AA meeting. The setting is realistic; it takes place in what appears to be a basement room of a church - there is coffee, cigarette smoking, and people who are on the edge. The movie's strength resides in its incredibly gifted cast: Diane Wiest (a particularly superb, understated performance to which we've become accustomed), Harold Robbins, Jr.,(you can feel his tension), Spaulding Grey (the ultimate humorist), Amanda Plummer (fantastic), Sam Rockwell (who is, unfortunately, underutilized). Also giving nice turns are Calista Flockhart (not yet marked with the Ally McBeal imprint) and Faye Dunaway (whose rich, deep voice resonates as ever). And, of course, there's Richard Lewis, who effectively applies his ample, frenetic energy in a bold, dramatic direction as a recovering alcoholic who takes a nose-dive off the wagon. We watch as Lewis's partners from AA, worried about his sobriety, try in vain to contact him. Meanwile, the movie turns it focus to the other characters attending the meeting. Some may be of the opinion that this movie should have allowed the main characters more time to develop their personal stories. However, not all people who attend an AA meeting say that much - or actively participate at all. While this was disappointing in the sense that one is left wanting more screen time from such capable actors, the writer and director maintained the veracity of the subject matter. "Drunks" provides the viewer with a realistic depiction of addiction as a symptom of "inner demons." The characters whose lives we get to peek into share this manifestation of the pain they carry deep inside, but their monologues shows us that the reasons for their pain are unique. Unlike, "Days of Wine and Roses," where the plot revolves around how just two characters play off of each other, "Drunks" uses short vignettes - almost like headlines - to punctuate a multitude of perspectives on the same disease.
- haikupoet3
- Dec 25, 2005
- Permalink
This is Peter Cohn's film adaptation of a Gary Lennon play, and as is the case with most theatre to film crossovers, there is a rumbling sense of unfulfillment. Each fleeting view into the lives of these sad souls is too brief, never allowing the time to really absorb any one character, as you might do were you to watch an actual performance of the play. That said, Mr Cohn has assembled a very fine cast indeed, and although the roles are delivered in a "wait your turn..speak..sit down" style, you can see why a couple of these actors are considered 'greats' in their field. Richard Lewis offers an adequate performance as 'Jim' and is the only one afforded the opportunity of giving his character depth. Elsewhere, Howard Rollins, Calista Flockhart and Faye Dunaway all do a pleasing job with what little they're given, while Amanda Plummer and Sam Rockwell are criminally under-used. It is however, the stalwart skills of both Dianne Wiest and Spalding Grey that lift this film. Along with 'Rich' the bar-man adding unintentional comic relief (watch how he throws those coasters down!), they almost justify the rental fee. So grab a bottle of bourbon, sit back and wallow in the self-pity of others. It might just cheer you up.
The title of the movie pretty much sums up it subject matter. At the same time, 'Drunks' is shown from the perspective of those persons who are trying to save themselves from alcoholism. It shows them talking about their problems and lives through an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Most of the film takes place in one night, and centers around one main character - Jim (Richard Lewis). His character is just about the only one we get to know deeply. In an act of desperate rebellion, he walks out of the AA meeting in order to get a drink (or maybe two, three, or four?).
The film juxtaposes Jim's desperate night out from one liquor store and bar to the next with the other reforming alcoholics talking during their meeting. As the night progresses, Richard Lewis gets more and more drunk, wasted, and out of control. He also begins to experiment with other drugs. Overall, this is not a bad film - it is mostly a character study. The stories the alcoholics have to tell are funny, tragic, and moving. Those who enjoy dialog movies will likely enjoy this film. Faye Dunaway also plays a small role in it.
I really liked the ending of the movie. It goes to show how so many alcoholics don't succeed in becoming sober and they are trapped in an endless and dangerous cycle. This cycle perhaps has no way out.
The film juxtaposes Jim's desperate night out from one liquor store and bar to the next with the other reforming alcoholics talking during their meeting. As the night progresses, Richard Lewis gets more and more drunk, wasted, and out of control. He also begins to experiment with other drugs. Overall, this is not a bad film - it is mostly a character study. The stories the alcoholics have to tell are funny, tragic, and moving. Those who enjoy dialog movies will likely enjoy this film. Faye Dunaway also plays a small role in it.
I really liked the ending of the movie. It goes to show how so many alcoholics don't succeed in becoming sober and they are trapped in an endless and dangerous cycle. This cycle perhaps has no way out.
- DhavalVyas
- Aug 28, 2013
- Permalink
As another poster has said, every acting student should watch this film. It is basically a series of monologues, most by some of the best actors out there (some of whom hadn't yet hit stardom when this was made). So they're beautifully delivered. But you can easily stop in the middle (I did) and come back with no real impact on your experience. There is one dramatic through-line, but it's pretty predictable and not particularly engaging (if, again, well-acted). Personally, I'm not surprised Richard Lewis can act, and he does so well here.
One problem is so many TV shows today are written by people who are themselves in recovery that there isn't much about the subject that hasn't been portrayed - quite aside from the fact that many today will have first or at least second hand with addiction. So even the best-acted monologues tend to sound a little hackneyed or over-familiar. (One thing about addiction is that it's pretty monotonous as a story, especially in reality.) There are some nice touches, notably the focus on the free food and the ubiquitous cigarettes (it used to be in LA you could spot the meetings by all the people smoking outside on the breaks). And (tragically today) Spaulding Grey does a nice comic turn as a self-deluding choir director. As it happens, I just saw Faye Dunaway playing a protective mother on "Columbo" and we see some of that here too. There are also "types" (including the person who casually violates the anonymity of a famous person they've seen at a meeting, the person who just rambles because they like an audience) that are real enough. But the film as a whole isn't particularly engaging. For a really strong, sustained piece on addiction, see "Permanent Midnight". But I'm sure there are others - it's one of the decades' subjects.
One problem is so many TV shows today are written by people who are themselves in recovery that there isn't much about the subject that hasn't been portrayed - quite aside from the fact that many today will have first or at least second hand with addiction. So even the best-acted monologues tend to sound a little hackneyed or over-familiar. (One thing about addiction is that it's pretty monotonous as a story, especially in reality.) There are some nice touches, notably the focus on the free food and the ubiquitous cigarettes (it used to be in LA you could spot the meetings by all the people smoking outside on the breaks). And (tragically today) Spaulding Grey does a nice comic turn as a self-deluding choir director. As it happens, I just saw Faye Dunaway playing a protective mother on "Columbo" and we see some of that here too. There are also "types" (including the person who casually violates the anonymity of a famous person they've seen at a meeting, the person who just rambles because they like an audience) that are real enough. But the film as a whole isn't particularly engaging. For a really strong, sustained piece on addiction, see "Permanent Midnight". But I'm sure there are others - it's one of the decades' subjects.
Maybe the best movie about substance abuse I've ever seen...and I've seen most of them.
Gritty, realistic, darkly humorous, and deadly serious.
Richard Lewis at his best. Excellent supporting cast.
Watch it two or three times to catch all the subtleties of the various subplots.
This movie is an absolute must-see for anybody in recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction. This goes double for those recovering from both.
Also good for friends and loved ones of people in recovery.
Gritty, realistic, darkly humorous, and deadly serious.
Richard Lewis at his best. Excellent supporting cast.
Watch it two or three times to catch all the subtleties of the various subplots.
This movie is an absolute must-see for anybody in recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction. This goes double for those recovering from both.
Also good for friends and loved ones of people in recovery.
- jasperandcindy-1
- Mar 15, 2006
- Permalink
I rented this and was very surprised by how good it was.
The writing was so strong and the actors took those words and soared. There is not one false note. It felt like a CASSAVETTES film. Honesty on screen is what I look for in films.
This film felt like real life. Real time. I could relate to these characters. Feel their pain.
Their stories were compelling. I couldn't take my eyes of the screen
My favorite performances were Lisa Gay Hamilton and the late Howard Rollins.
They moved me to tears. I hope this movie gets to be seen by others who are struggling with addiction. The message finally got to me and it is interesting that it came to me in the guise of a movie. I am now going out and buying the DVD and the play that the film is based on.
Thank you to the film makers.
The writing was so strong and the actors took those words and soared. There is not one false note. It felt like a CASSAVETTES film. Honesty on screen is what I look for in films.
This film felt like real life. Real time. I could relate to these characters. Feel their pain.
Their stories were compelling. I couldn't take my eyes of the screen
My favorite performances were Lisa Gay Hamilton and the late Howard Rollins.
They moved me to tears. I hope this movie gets to be seen by others who are struggling with addiction. The message finally got to me and it is interesting that it came to me in the guise of a movie. I am now going out and buying the DVD and the play that the film is based on.
Thank you to the film makers.
- jorgedanieljdn
- May 30, 2008
- Permalink
Jim (Richard Lewis) attends an AA meeting very worried about something. His sponsor encourages him to talk. He does...and immediately leaves. The rest of the movie involves him trying not to drink and it keeps going back to the meeting where we, one by one, hear each member say why they're there.
I caught this at a small art cinema way back in 1997 and I never forgot it. It perfectly captures what an AA meeting is like and the stories related are harrowing. Quite a few well known actors play members: Sam Rockwell (still unknown at the time), Amanda Plummer, Parker Posey, Dianne Wiest, Calista Flockheart and Faye Dunaway. Their considerable acting talents make the stories seem realistic and hard to shake off. There's no happy endings here. Grim and disturbing but realistic. Sometime the staginess shows through (you can tell this was based on a play) which is why I can only give it an 8. Still, it's well worth watching.
I caught this at a small art cinema way back in 1997 and I never forgot it. It perfectly captures what an AA meeting is like and the stories related are harrowing. Quite a few well known actors play members: Sam Rockwell (still unknown at the time), Amanda Plummer, Parker Posey, Dianne Wiest, Calista Flockheart and Faye Dunaway. Their considerable acting talents make the stories seem realistic and hard to shake off. There's no happy endings here. Grim and disturbing but realistic. Sometime the staginess shows through (you can tell this was based on a play) which is why I can only give it an 8. Still, it's well worth watching.
Richard Lewis is one of my all-time favorite comedians. Mel Brooks once called him the Franz Kafka of comedy, and it's not far from the truth. The guy crafts such agonizing and harrowing comedy out of neuroses and problems and just common familial and relationship and whatever dread that it's staggering to watch (seeing him recently it was even more free-form and stream-of-conscious than ever, like Kurt Vonnegut and Woody Allen in a Bowery bar telling penis jokes). But he also was, in his past, troubled and on drugs and alcohol and went to a therapist for years and so on, and finally kicked it for good in the early 90s (he even wrote a sprawling, scatter-shot tell-all book called The Other Great Depression). So, in 1995, he took the lead part in Drunks, and if it may seem like his performance as Jim is so spot on and incredible it's more than likely because he knows this character, maybe all too well.
I go on about Lewis so much just because he's the character most on the edge, the one falling off amongst all these other AA people meeting in a Manhattan Church, that it's impossible to take your eyes off him when he shows up. Jim, who speaks very reluctantly to the couple of dozen people at the AA meeting, lost his wife to a brain aneurysm two years after becoming sober from booze and junk. Then he slipped and went back and at the time of the meeting he hasn't had a drink in several months. Right after this long and heartfelt confession he leaves and wanders the streets, tempted at first and finally giving in to his insatiable craving to whiskey and beer. While he goes from either bar to his apartment or on the streets for drugs the film cuts back to the AA meeting where other people share their experiences, some fatally tragic like the blackout guy, or Dianne Wiest's doctor, or Faye Dunaway's upper-class mother, or Sam Rockwell's seemingly regular guy, or even Parker Posey as an ex-hippie chick.
Hell, even Calista Flockheart gives a showstopper of a performance, which is an indicator of how on top of things the actors are here. It is, if as a real liability, written and performed like a play, and it's broken up as a series of monologues inter-cut with Jim in his downward spiral mode. The good thing about director Peter Cohn's approach is that even if a monologue falls kind of flat- I actually didn't care much for Spalding Gray who sort of mumbled through his character's turn as the guy who just showed up not knowing it was an AA meeting in the basement of the church- it can cut back to Richard Lewis who, in particular in one later scene at a bar, lays it down to such a heartbreaking beat that you almost wish he was in a Bergman movie or something - or, for that matter, one of Woody Allen's serious films. He's that amazing here, whether it's just how he is or if it's a "performance" or whatever. It's an actor's movie, and for that it works well. Just don't watch it for anything fancy or flashy; it's slightly obscure for that reason, since it doesn't have a real "star" attached.
I go on about Lewis so much just because he's the character most on the edge, the one falling off amongst all these other AA people meeting in a Manhattan Church, that it's impossible to take your eyes off him when he shows up. Jim, who speaks very reluctantly to the couple of dozen people at the AA meeting, lost his wife to a brain aneurysm two years after becoming sober from booze and junk. Then he slipped and went back and at the time of the meeting he hasn't had a drink in several months. Right after this long and heartfelt confession he leaves and wanders the streets, tempted at first and finally giving in to his insatiable craving to whiskey and beer. While he goes from either bar to his apartment or on the streets for drugs the film cuts back to the AA meeting where other people share their experiences, some fatally tragic like the blackout guy, or Dianne Wiest's doctor, or Faye Dunaway's upper-class mother, or Sam Rockwell's seemingly regular guy, or even Parker Posey as an ex-hippie chick.
Hell, even Calista Flockheart gives a showstopper of a performance, which is an indicator of how on top of things the actors are here. It is, if as a real liability, written and performed like a play, and it's broken up as a series of monologues inter-cut with Jim in his downward spiral mode. The good thing about director Peter Cohn's approach is that even if a monologue falls kind of flat- I actually didn't care much for Spalding Gray who sort of mumbled through his character's turn as the guy who just showed up not knowing it was an AA meeting in the basement of the church- it can cut back to Richard Lewis who, in particular in one later scene at a bar, lays it down to such a heartbreaking beat that you almost wish he was in a Bergman movie or something - or, for that matter, one of Woody Allen's serious films. He's that amazing here, whether it's just how he is or if it's a "performance" or whatever. It's an actor's movie, and for that it works well. Just don't watch it for anything fancy or flashy; it's slightly obscure for that reason, since it doesn't have a real "star" attached.
- Quinoa1984
- Feb 1, 2009
- Permalink
they say in the program "one day at a time". some days are harder than others. DRUNKs represents that better than any film i have ever seen. I am the member of a twelve step program. I think it is one of the greatest international communities that exists. it has changed countless lives and i am hard pressed to think or find one person who's life hasn't been affected positively by it's existence. it is a secular religion -if you will.
I believe this is the most realistic and resonant film that has ever taken as it's focus the program and it's demographic busting community.
i think the level of talent that came together to make this is a testament to it's quality.
it is not a rose colored take on the community. it reflects as does the program the myriad ways that people use, don't use, succeed and fail.
it is the truth as i experience it.
I believe this is the most realistic and resonant film that has ever taken as it's focus the program and it's demographic busting community.
i think the level of talent that came together to make this is a testament to it's quality.
it is not a rose colored take on the community. it reflects as does the program the myriad ways that people use, don't use, succeed and fail.
it is the truth as i experience it.
- kamalkicks
- Jan 27, 2010
- Permalink
- Brettcurtissanders
- Jun 29, 2010
- Permalink
Excellent, honest, does not pull any punches in it's grim reality of addiction and the struggles to get clean.
The writing by Mr. Lennon is so truthful that it does not seem like a movie we are watching, but peeking into people's lives.
The acting and direction were inspired and very realistic. If you want to see an honest movie about addiction and the ravages it causes...this is it. Be ready because it is not some Hollywood sugar coated piece of fluff thatt we are sujected to. Looking forward to seeing more of Mr. Lennon's writing transfered to film...a truly honest and unique voice. Incredible performances by all of the cast. Tight direction as well. Stands up to films in this genre..."Panic in Neddle Park", "Hatful of Rain"...etc...Don't miss it.
The writing by Mr. Lennon is so truthful that it does not seem like a movie we are watching, but peeking into people's lives.
The acting and direction were inspired and very realistic. If you want to see an honest movie about addiction and the ravages it causes...this is it. Be ready because it is not some Hollywood sugar coated piece of fluff thatt we are sujected to. Looking forward to seeing more of Mr. Lennon's writing transfered to film...a truly honest and unique voice. Incredible performances by all of the cast. Tight direction as well. Stands up to films in this genre..."Panic in Neddle Park", "Hatful of Rain"...etc...Don't miss it.
- paukenmeister
- May 20, 2008
- Permalink
I saw Blackout, the play that this movie is based, when it played in Los Angeles. The play itself is incredible and is one of the best plays in theater, in my opinion.
The movie, Drunks, captures what is best about the play: the great writing and dialog that when given to talented actors, create unforgettable performances that will make you laugh and cry.
The characters, their stories, and their world are real. There is no preaching or message or apologetic reason given. The characters are all in transit in their own lives and for their own reasons. And you're allowed a fascinating glimpse into their lives.
If you enjoy great writing and performances and watching people in their nakedly honest moments, you should watch Drunks.
The movie, Drunks, captures what is best about the play: the great writing and dialog that when given to talented actors, create unforgettable performances that will make you laugh and cry.
The characters, their stories, and their world are real. There is no preaching or message or apologetic reason given. The characters are all in transit in their own lives and for their own reasons. And you're allowed a fascinating glimpse into their lives.
If you enjoy great writing and performances and watching people in their nakedly honest moments, you should watch Drunks.
- ingmanagement
- Jul 13, 2009
- Permalink
As a recovering alcoholic, and having seen some of the "preachy" movies, or the drama of Days of Wine and Roses, I found this movie to be just what it is, an AA meetings. Nothing to prove. Nothing to say. Each telling his story and one can take what he needs, and leave the rest. I enjoyed it as a means of letting others get an inside look at a meeting. Not much else to say. As for the relapse of Lewis, and his going back out and using, it was OK, but his return at the end, starting all over again, is just the way it is. Good movie, but not good enough to watch again and again.
- hgbrown2000
- Feb 26, 2002
- Permalink
"Drunks" is a hard-hitting and effective drama revolving a group of addict characters at an AA meeting where they face their problems as
alcoholics and the importance of staying sober for one more day. Each of them face their own personal demons, some more sober than others, and one
of them just loses it after sharing his story and spends a whole night going to the innebriate state after some years of sobriety. The ensemble
cast formed is one of the most interesting ever put together: Faye Dunaway, Richard Lewis, Dianne Wiest, Calista Flockhart, Sam Rockwell, George
Martin, Parker Posey, LisaGay Hamilton and Howard E. Rollins Jr. (on his final film role).
It's an interesting film on the topic of addiction and rehabilitation as it conveys realistic scenarios and situations faced by many people who struggle with the condition, and how the AA meetings are important to keep them clean and sober and how they can help each other during those hours sharing their stories about what they went through and how they're coping as clean individuals.
And we also follow the other side of the drama with the character played by comedian Richard Lewis, in a very edgy and amazing dramatic performance. Confronted by past situations he can't change, his meltdown makes him leave the group and embark on a dark journey back to his bad habits where it's hard to distinguish if he just wants to escape his feelings, escape his memories or maybe even to end it all and waste his good years of sobriety.
With those back and forth between his spiralling out of control and the testimonies from the group members you have the contrast between salvation and damnation, what one can do to save himself and/or help others or close oneself to addiction, falling down and to worst degrees than ever before. It's a daily battle, one day at a time.
I've seen this film twice, on different occasions, and after going through the fire it came some different perspectives which affected the experience on me in a less enthusiastic way if compared to my first view. This comes after an Off-Broadway play and such format and the cinematic format don't allow a fully accurate depiction of an AA meeting, and that can be a little hurtful for those who are curious in attending one. Let's just say it's 70% accurate.
Another small point of contention, slightly problematic, is the excessive focus on tragedies and losses and almost nothing about the joys of sobriety and achievements, and the meetings are also about the latter. Showing just the dark past, the people who got behind or left them isn't so helpful in the context of recovery and keeping one's sanity and sober. Sure, there's always some form of loss or the possibility of losing what one has at the moment, but focusing on what keeps them coming back is also important. To make things a little light-hearted we have the funny character played by Spalding Gray, who accidentally joined the meeting (as he consider that he's not a drunk) yet he enjoyed hearing all the stories and decides he wants to keep coming back.
All in all, everyone should see "Drunks" for its honest depiction about a serious issue and done in a very interesting manner. It works for those who face similar situations and even more for those who never faced it or neither thought much about it. Both parts will get new perspectives on the topic and even maybe help someone who's struggling and wants another shot, one of hope. 9/10.
It's an interesting film on the topic of addiction and rehabilitation as it conveys realistic scenarios and situations faced by many people who struggle with the condition, and how the AA meetings are important to keep them clean and sober and how they can help each other during those hours sharing their stories about what they went through and how they're coping as clean individuals.
And we also follow the other side of the drama with the character played by comedian Richard Lewis, in a very edgy and amazing dramatic performance. Confronted by past situations he can't change, his meltdown makes him leave the group and embark on a dark journey back to his bad habits where it's hard to distinguish if he just wants to escape his feelings, escape his memories or maybe even to end it all and waste his good years of sobriety.
With those back and forth between his spiralling out of control and the testimonies from the group members you have the contrast between salvation and damnation, what one can do to save himself and/or help others or close oneself to addiction, falling down and to worst degrees than ever before. It's a daily battle, one day at a time.
I've seen this film twice, on different occasions, and after going through the fire it came some different perspectives which affected the experience on me in a less enthusiastic way if compared to my first view. This comes after an Off-Broadway play and such format and the cinematic format don't allow a fully accurate depiction of an AA meeting, and that can be a little hurtful for those who are curious in attending one. Let's just say it's 70% accurate.
Another small point of contention, slightly problematic, is the excessive focus on tragedies and losses and almost nothing about the joys of sobriety and achievements, and the meetings are also about the latter. Showing just the dark past, the people who got behind or left them isn't so helpful in the context of recovery and keeping one's sanity and sober. Sure, there's always some form of loss or the possibility of losing what one has at the moment, but focusing on what keeps them coming back is also important. To make things a little light-hearted we have the funny character played by Spalding Gray, who accidentally joined the meeting (as he consider that he's not a drunk) yet he enjoyed hearing all the stories and decides he wants to keep coming back.
All in all, everyone should see "Drunks" for its honest depiction about a serious issue and done in a very interesting manner. It works for those who face similar situations and even more for those who never faced it or neither thought much about it. Both parts will get new perspectives on the topic and even maybe help someone who's struggling and wants another shot, one of hope. 9/10.
- Rodrigo_Amaro
- Mar 3, 2024
- Permalink
- MovieHoliks
- Jul 9, 2015
- Permalink
God, did this movie really have an effect on me, not cause I'm an alcoholic, merely a viewer. Inner truths, guilt, suffering, cussing, mostly by an awesomely acted Lewis, fears are expelled, and dramatically, as we get in the lives of a group of AA members, and what a show. This film really lets out the truth of an everyday alcoholic, though mainly Lewis is the central character who after a hard but quit successful sobriety, falls back off the wagon, and it's straight off to the nearest bottle'O, one place selling an extensively impressive array of ailments, it almost made me want to take up drinking. Every performance in this film is excellent, no exceptions, some quite amazing, no more than Lewis who's a revelation. He's funny, sad, and REAL, and it utterly appalls me, you didn't receive award recognition. I was so held by his performance, a cyclone, couldn't snap me away. This is such an entertaining film, and it's cause of the superb actors, many of high billing, status. They were so frickin' real and believable. It's Lewis though, who commands the screen. Alcoholic or not, this demands your viewing. Great script too.
- videorama-759-859391
- Feb 27, 2023
- Permalink
Very well-acted and moving film in places, top marks going to actors Spalding Grey and Howard Rollins jr but all in all, a very poor depiction of AA. The film was depressing and lacklustre yet still portrayed the AA experience as being too positive. This film is for people who wonder what AA is all about without ending up there. The truth is however more grim. As with all of these films that tackles issues pertaining to addiction, the central premise is a character who goes completely off the rails but is reunited with sanity the next day, while singing the praises of the institution that he/she is involved with. A tawdry, positively biased AA film. Avoid at all costs!
I had wanted to see this when it came out, but it was playing, I think, in one theater in NYC, for a week, and then it was gone. I am a tremendous fan of most of the actors in this film. I finally got to rent it this week, more than 5 years after it was released. The film is ok, the actors are very good. It isn't preachy at all, but it's still got some problems. Each actor gets to say about a sentence before the camera moves on to the next character. We learn nothing about anyone except for Louis' character, and his plot and personality aren't interesting enough to hold viewers' attentions for 90 minutes. What bothers me most is that there was no point to the film: They meet at an AA meeting, talk about their lives, realize it's tough to kick the habit. I just wish it had been more complex. And the great ensemble cast hardly gets to interact with one another. But, on the plus side, this is your once in a lifetime chance to see these actors in the same film.