Tom Key credited as playing...
- Brinks: He's lovable.
- Gilbert Sipes: Whose side are you on?
- Brinks: My job is consumer research. I'm telling you why he sells. He gives people hope. If a pig can make it, anyone can.
- Brinks: [On the phone] Dietz, this is Brinks. What's going on? Mr. Sipes is waiting for a report.
- Dietz: Yes, sir. Will you tell him that we're still at the park? And...
- Gilbert Sipes: What's your problem, Dietz?
- Dietz: Everything's fine, sir. Here, you can ask Krugman.
- Gilbert Sipes: No, I don't want to talk to Krugman. Dietz. Dietz.
- Krugman: Mission accomplished, Mr. Sipes. All locked up in the trunk of the limo
- Brinks: What do you mean all?
- Gilbert Sipes: You haven't snatched Hanky, have you?
- Krugman: We had to sir. He wouldn't let go of the pig.
- [Brinks and Gilbert we're devastated from what they heard. They both turn their backs and clenched their fists to their faces]
- Gilbert Sipes: All right. I want you to keep him under wraps. And I want you to keep out of sight.
- Krugman: Yes sir.
- [hangs up]
- Brinks: Your empire, sir. Would you like me to read off the list?
- Hanky Royce: Yes, please, Mr. Brinks.
- Brinks: [he reads off the list] Hero pig Breakfast food division. Sweet pops, Sugar tarts, Fudgy flakes.
- Gordy: Hey, Hanky. Why don't we make natural foods? They're better bound for people's health.
- Hanky Royce: He says change it to natural foods.
- Brinks: He says?
- Hanky Royce: The boss says he wants fresh foods. Wheat, oats and fruit. Get rid of all the chemicals and artificial junk.
- [Brinks takes notes]
- Brinks: Yes, sir.
- Hanky Royce: What else is he in charge of?
- Brinks: Hero Pig snack factories. Sofa Potato chips, Creamy dream cookies.
- Gordy: Seem junk. Can't we change to something more wholesome?
- Hanky Royce: The boss says he wants fresh foods like a real fruit drink and natural vitamins.
- Brinks: This calls for a massive organization. I'll get a copy to Mr. Sipes, he'll get on it right away.
- Gilbert Sipes: I think I helped discover the little weenie. You know, he's right on the verge of taking over. Hanky, Jessica, Royce, the whole company. Well, he's not gonna stand in my way. Hero Pig has got to go.
- Brinks: What do you want us to do?
- Gilbert Sipes: Kidnap Gordy.
- Brinks: Hero pig outsold the competition 100 to 1.
- Gilbert Sipes: But Jessica had to win!
- Henry Royce: I'm sorry, my dear. People just can't resist a baby animal.
- Hanky Royce: Mom, we're back!
- Jessica Royce: Hanky!
- [rushes to Hanky and gives him a hug]
- Jessica Royce: Hanky. Oh, baby, I've been so worried about you.
- Brinks: Congratulations, Hanky. Consumer research is at your service.
- Attorney: Congratulations, young man.
- Gilbert Sipes: Oh, thank heaven. Our search has been successful. Hanky and Gordy safe and sound.