Art Clokey credited as playing...
Pokey • Prickle • Gumbo
- Professor Kapp: Oh my! This music does things to my brain!
- Prickle: It does things to my spine!
- Goo: It makes me feel funny all over!
- Prickle: Take this back. and bring me another thick shake. And get your circuits fixed before you make another mess.
- [after Pokey, Prickle, and Goo got fused together into a multi-character clay ball]
- Pokey: I won't believe it. It can't be true!
- Prickle: "To believe or not to believe?" That is a question.
- Goo: You'd better start believing it 'cause I'm uncomfortable! Now everybody pull themselves together... I... I mean "apart".
- Prickle: Impossible, Goo. Somebody call an ambulance.
- [a robot waiter knocks over Prickle's milkshake]
- Prickle: [annoyed] That robot REALLY has his wires crossed...
- [Prickle and Goo are working in the garden]
- Prickle: [about Pokey] You know, Goo? I think Pokey is sick. He's still sitting in the back-seat of the car.
- Goo: Oh, Pokey's hurt cause Gumby spends so much time now with the Clayboys. They usually do almost everything together.
- Prickle: Yeah. I guess Pokey feels left out.
- Prickle: Somebody kidnapped him, that's for sure. They made a robot copy of him. We've got to catch up with Gumby and tell him.
- Prickle: Goo has been kidnapped by the robot that looks just like you. It just drove away with Goo locked in the van.
- [Gumbo slides down the fireman's pole trampling Pokey]
- Gumbo: Pokey, when are you going to learn not to stand by this pole?