12 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 70Los Angeles TimesKevin ThomasLos Angeles TimesKevin ThomasWriter Deborah Dean Davis and director Andy Tennant are fully aware of the absolute predictability of their material and therefore make the getting to an inevitable ending as much fun as possible.
- 60VarietyLeonard KladyVarietyLeonard KladyQuite simply, It Takes Two is just too cute for words.
- 58Entertainment WeeklyBruce FrettsEntertainment WeeklyBruce FrettsIt seems only fitting that the flavorless Guttenberg would land in this smooth tapioca concoction, but Alley deserves better.
- 50Chicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertChicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertThe movie is harmless and fitfully amusing.
- 50San Francisco ChronicleEdward GuthmannSan Francisco ChronicleEdward GuthmannThe Olsens' precociousness and sitcom-style mugging grate at first, but I found myself warming to their movie in its last half - thanks mostly to Alley, a crackerjack physical comic who's incapable of a flat or colorless note.
- 50San Francisco ExaminerBarbara ShulgasserSan Francisco ExaminerBarbara ShulgasserThe adorable overacting of the twins [Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen] make this otherwise dopey movie watchable.
- 50The Globe and Mail (Toronto)Liam LaceyThe Globe and Mail (Toronto)Liam LaceyThe movie is a competent formula kid flick stuffed to the dimples with movie deja vu, a sop to those Hollywood-bashing politicians who want old-fashioned family values on their celluloid. [17 Nov 1995]
- 50TV Guide MagazineTV Guide MagazineThis modern-day hybrid of "The Prince and the Pauper" and "The Parent Trap" is a slickly contrived showcase for the professionally cute Olsen Twins, late of TV's Full House.
- 40EmpireEmpireStaggeringly laboured though this premise may be, it also has the potential for some lightweight farce to pass the time.
- 30The New York TimesStephen HoldenThe New York TimesStephen HoldenUnder the direction of Andy Tennant, the Olsen sisters lay on the icky-poo cuteness with several trowels, often delivering their lines as though they were reciting the alphabet.