85 reviews
"Kicking and Screaming" shows a considerable degree of self-awareness for a film about college graduation directed by a 25-year-old, but it is still an awkward, self-conscious film that is no more confident than its insecure characters.
It was fortunate that in 1995, there were producers out there who believed a movie about depressed upper-middle class white boys had commercial potential, because those producers launched the career of Noah Baumbach, who would go on to make superior films in the next decade. As in his later films, Baumbach seems to take pity on pretentious and tremendously insecure characters while simultaneously taking delight in exposing their weaknesses to the world. But in "Kicking and Screaming," unlike, say, "The Squid and the Whale," Baumbach seems to identify just a little too closely with his young characters and seems to believe that they are less obnoxious than they are.
"Kicking and Screaming"'s greatest strength and weakness is how well it captures an aspect of growing up not often captured on film: the resistance to change. Many films deal with characters who gradually change as they come of age, but "Kicking and Screaming" deals with characters who desire on some level to move on past their current selves but are hesitant to do anything about that desire. This also hurts the film, however, since very little changes from beginning to end, and when characters do change at all, they change less than they (or the film) believe.
The stagnation would not be a problem if the film were a comedy, but, while the film is full of quirky characters and occasionally funny jokes, it deals with the dullness and depression too honestly to really work as a comedy. When wealthy Max, perhaps the most stagnant of all the characters, puts a "broken glass" sign over a pile of shattered glass rather than cleaning it up, it is good for a laugh, but as the film goes on, we get to know Max well enough that it almost stops being funny.
"Kicking and Screaming" is certainly worth seeing for any fans of college-related movies and should probably be required viewing for anyone in their junior or senior years, since it could work as an effective warning against the perils that await graduates without plans. But the film, like its characters, has both too much self-consciousness and too little self-awareness to achieve the levels of comedic or dramatic potential that it hints at.
It was fortunate that in 1995, there were producers out there who believed a movie about depressed upper-middle class white boys had commercial potential, because those producers launched the career of Noah Baumbach, who would go on to make superior films in the next decade. As in his later films, Baumbach seems to take pity on pretentious and tremendously insecure characters while simultaneously taking delight in exposing their weaknesses to the world. But in "Kicking and Screaming," unlike, say, "The Squid and the Whale," Baumbach seems to identify just a little too closely with his young characters and seems to believe that they are less obnoxious than they are.
"Kicking and Screaming"'s greatest strength and weakness is how well it captures an aspect of growing up not often captured on film: the resistance to change. Many films deal with characters who gradually change as they come of age, but "Kicking and Screaming" deals with characters who desire on some level to move on past their current selves but are hesitant to do anything about that desire. This also hurts the film, however, since very little changes from beginning to end, and when characters do change at all, they change less than they (or the film) believe.
The stagnation would not be a problem if the film were a comedy, but, while the film is full of quirky characters and occasionally funny jokes, it deals with the dullness and depression too honestly to really work as a comedy. When wealthy Max, perhaps the most stagnant of all the characters, puts a "broken glass" sign over a pile of shattered glass rather than cleaning it up, it is good for a laugh, but as the film goes on, we get to know Max well enough that it almost stops being funny.
"Kicking and Screaming" is certainly worth seeing for any fans of college-related movies and should probably be required viewing for anyone in their junior or senior years, since it could work as an effective warning against the perils that await graduates without plans. But the film, like its characters, has both too much self-consciousness and too little self-awareness to achieve the levels of comedic or dramatic potential that it hints at.
"Kicking and Screaming" was Noah Baumach's first film. He wrote and directed it at age 25, which is a real accomplishment because the film's very compelling. Riding the wave of the independent cinema in US in the early 90s, Baumbach created a tragicomedy of a tightly-wound group of friends grappling with the reality of life after graduation. Basically, their anxiety is borne out of accepting the responsibility of, finally, you know, growing up and joining the adult-force. As actor Chris Egieman (the articulate Max in the film) has pointed out in a recent interview, these guys are forced to accept that they must now take their lives seriously. Decisions and choices are optional no longer. The question of 'what next?' would need to be answered now. Bummer, right? Of course these early-20 white kids bicker and groan; someone of them delay the inevitable and slack around on the college campus, and at least one of them returns to school and retakes the same classes just so that "he can be a student again." The guys amuse themselves on dreary afternoons: they ask each other if they beat off; they do each others' girlfriends; they crowd around the beer bottles and cigarettes to play trivia games ("Name all 7 Jason Voorhees movies"). Mostly, they just hang out. And they talk; a lot. They philosophise the little things, every little small inconsequential detail that makes up their special universe.
Baumbach has confessed of his love for improv comedy, and he imbues the comedy of the film with some of that. Not all of it works (the Cookie Man scene is a little cringe-inducing) but it's cute at least. But the dialogue is pointed, always witty and full of incisive detail. Although Baumbach and regular collaborator Wes Andresen have been compared with the great JD Salinger, I think Richard Linklater could use some love too.
"Kicking and Screaming" will appeal to a certain type of audience: the pseudo-intellectuals who take, say, their hobbies a bit too seriously. These hobbies or interests could be movies or even crossword puzzles. But this is how the film's characters want to spend their days. They want the world, their parents and their lovers to understand that they are normal for thinking that life before jobs or marriage or kids is as good as it gets. It will make the viewer feel 'OK' about belonging to a certain tribe, a community of like-minded individuals that others accuse, "you all speak the same way." This film implies that it's not lame even if the successful moneymaking pricks on the outside may snigger and chuckle. "Kicking and Screaming" is a wonderful, uplifting, funny, poignant film about the impending doom of adulthood.
Baumbach has confessed of his love for improv comedy, and he imbues the comedy of the film with some of that. Not all of it works (the Cookie Man scene is a little cringe-inducing) but it's cute at least. But the dialogue is pointed, always witty and full of incisive detail. Although Baumbach and regular collaborator Wes Andresen have been compared with the great JD Salinger, I think Richard Linklater could use some love too.
"Kicking and Screaming" will appeal to a certain type of audience: the pseudo-intellectuals who take, say, their hobbies a bit too seriously. These hobbies or interests could be movies or even crossword puzzles. But this is how the film's characters want to spend their days. They want the world, their parents and their lovers to understand that they are normal for thinking that life before jobs or marriage or kids is as good as it gets. It will make the viewer feel 'OK' about belonging to a certain tribe, a community of like-minded individuals that others accuse, "you all speak the same way." This film implies that it's not lame even if the successful moneymaking pricks on the outside may snigger and chuckle. "Kicking and Screaming" is a wonderful, uplifting, funny, poignant film about the impending doom of adulthood.
- JohnMurdochDubai
- Apr 4, 2007
- Permalink
When I came across this film, I initially had no idea it was directed by Noah Baumbach. At first is rather difficult to immerse yourself in what is going on inside the screen, because there is no context whatsoever, only dialogue coming from obnoxious pseudo-intellectual grad students.
It is definitely a low start, but Baumbach takes the steer and lets his characters breathe a little, with interaction in small doses among only a few other characters. Their relationships start growing and we finally get a sense of their context, not just time and place but also how everyone relates to one another and how do they feel specifically about youth, growing up, responsibilities and the future. It is only at the middle where things actually get interesting; the handling of dialogue is not great by any sort, but moderate, although not that interesting to begin with.
The characters overall are not very likeable, they all have their issues but it's hard to sympathize with any of them, because they are selfish and self-centered among other disruptive qualities. So, two of this films most important elements such as the writing and the characters try to sustain the film that ultimately fails to deliver a satisfying product.
Nevertheless, it's an acceptable effort from Noah Baumbach, but he has many better outlets than this.
The characters overall are not very likeable, they all have their issues but it's hard to sympathize with any of them, because they are selfish and self-centered among other disruptive qualities. So, two of this films most important elements such as the writing and the characters try to sustain the film that ultimately fails to deliver a satisfying product.
Nevertheless, it's an acceptable effort from Noah Baumbach, but he has many better outlets than this.
- patriciogl10
- Oct 24, 2019
- Permalink
I was "kicking and screaming" for it to end. At least the ending was actually really good, with editing, dialogue and music that made me think "Where was this for the entire movie?!"
Edit: Had to bump it from a 4 to a 6 because that ending stuck with me long after the movie was over. How they made such a great, stylish ending after butchering nearly the entire movie, I'll never know.
Edit: Had to bump it from a 4 to a 6 because that ending stuck with me long after the movie was over. How they made such a great, stylish ending after butchering nearly the entire movie, I'll never know.
- lostcinematheq
- Mar 13, 2021
- Permalink
This film is fine if you're a college student who hasn't declared a major and enjoys sitting around stoned and discussing trivial ironies and popular culture.
The writing is definitely a little more intelligent than "Clerks," and the acting is certainly better. But it's a film that has very little to say about having very little to say.
It seemed more like an ego trip for writer/director Baughman which is too bad because he really did assemble a great cast and then forgot to develop the characters.
I wish I could recommend a film like this I like better. It's in the realm of Clerks/Dazed & Confused/Slackers, which are cult hits at best. But the whining of Generation X is getting old for this GenXer.
If you're a Parker Posey fan like I am, rent "Daytrippers" instead.
The writing is definitely a little more intelligent than "Clerks," and the acting is certainly better. But it's a film that has very little to say about having very little to say.
It seemed more like an ego trip for writer/director Baughman which is too bad because he really did assemble a great cast and then forgot to develop the characters.
I wish I could recommend a film like this I like better. It's in the realm of Clerks/Dazed & Confused/Slackers, which are cult hits at best. But the whining of Generation X is getting old for this GenXer.
If you're a Parker Posey fan like I am, rent "Daytrippers" instead.
Noah Baumbach's Kicking and Screaming is one of those rare films that actually gets it right when it comes to understanding the angst of being a young adult right out of college. Baumbach's dialogue matches each of the feelings that newly graduated students go through, but doesn't stoop to the level of condescending. We all identify with the characters of Kicking and Screaming whether it is Skippy and his wanting to further his education because there might be something he missed out on or if Skippy doesn't subconsciously want to become his friends Max, Grover, or Otis. We might identify with Max who blatantly doesn't know what to do now. Max's only hellbent on not looking back on his college years, "I'm nostalgic for conversations I had yesterday. I've begun reminiscing events before they even occur. I'm reminiscing this right now. I can't go to the bar because I've already looked back on it in my memory... and I didn't have a good time." Kicking and Screaming is a film deserving to be recognize as a journey through the minds of graduates and self-discovery of oneself.
- tobias_lane
- Mar 4, 2006
- Permalink
Sophsitication, wit, and charm abound in Noah Baumbach's directorial debut, Kicking and Screaming. It's a movie about life. It's a movie about love. It's a movie about growing up. It's not about growing up in the childhood sense, but growing up as in maturing into true adulthood, post schooling. Kicking and Screaming is an ensemble film about a group of friends who have just graduated college and are now forced to take the next steps in their lives as they emerge into the real world. Some of them cope better than others, but they all struggle to find meaning in a post scholastic existence where they aren't quite sure what will become of them. The film is a sort of stream of consciousness, almost rambling foray into adult life in which we must make something of ourselves. It is a smart film, it is a sophisticated film, but it's almost too smart for its own good.
We learn a few key things from Kicking and Screaming. One. Noah Baumbach is a smart guy who knows how to write and has a keen sense of reality and what makes us human. Two. He may be too smart to make a coherent and entertaining story about human interaction and psychology. And three. Having so many things on one's plate is overwhelming and it causes a film to lose all sense of purpose. Baumbach tackles a lot of subjects with Kicking and Screaming, but they sort of all run into each other and get tangled up with one another that this film loses its direction starts to feel less and less like a film and more like an astute psychological study that lacks any real emotion.
I feel like the characters in Kicking and Screaming aren't as much human as they are simply vehicles for Baumbach to exemplify offbeat quirks and complex relationships. He's created very diverse and very smart characters, but they don't connect on the emotional level that is necessary for this film to work. Baumbach obviously knows what he is doing with this film but he barely misses the mark, only by throwing in too many quirks and too many off kilter personality traits that turn these characters into test subjects instead of humans. That being said, I enjoyed this film for its intelligence and integrity, but the flaws are there and they hold back the film from being really great. Kicking and Screaming would make a great psychological research paper that detailed hypothetical situations and closely examined the human interaction in these situations but, as a film, it lacks the extra step that makes the art of cinema something more than a research paper can accomplish.
You can't diss anybody in this film for what they accomplish. I have lots of respect for the keen awareness Noah Baumbach displays about life in this film. It is certainly a good film and it is smarter than the average dribble we see today, but it's far from perfect. It isn't something I would watch again, but I don't regret checking it out for its fascinating sophisticated qualities.
We learn a few key things from Kicking and Screaming. One. Noah Baumbach is a smart guy who knows how to write and has a keen sense of reality and what makes us human. Two. He may be too smart to make a coherent and entertaining story about human interaction and psychology. And three. Having so many things on one's plate is overwhelming and it causes a film to lose all sense of purpose. Baumbach tackles a lot of subjects with Kicking and Screaming, but they sort of all run into each other and get tangled up with one another that this film loses its direction starts to feel less and less like a film and more like an astute psychological study that lacks any real emotion.
I feel like the characters in Kicking and Screaming aren't as much human as they are simply vehicles for Baumbach to exemplify offbeat quirks and complex relationships. He's created very diverse and very smart characters, but they don't connect on the emotional level that is necessary for this film to work. Baumbach obviously knows what he is doing with this film but he barely misses the mark, only by throwing in too many quirks and too many off kilter personality traits that turn these characters into test subjects instead of humans. That being said, I enjoyed this film for its intelligence and integrity, but the flaws are there and they hold back the film from being really great. Kicking and Screaming would make a great psychological research paper that detailed hypothetical situations and closely examined the human interaction in these situations but, as a film, it lacks the extra step that makes the art of cinema something more than a research paper can accomplish.
You can't diss anybody in this film for what they accomplish. I have lots of respect for the keen awareness Noah Baumbach displays about life in this film. It is certainly a good film and it is smarter than the average dribble we see today, but it's far from perfect. It isn't something I would watch again, but I don't regret checking it out for its fascinating sophisticated qualities.
- KnightsofNi11
- Sep 26, 2011
- Permalink
If I had to pick one movie that I was forced to watch again and again, it may be this one. Not that this is Citizen Kane or The Godfather, it's just that it speaks to me. Never has anyone dealt with disaffection in such a witty manner. Every character has something to say on the subject, and it's hysterical. I really GET all of the characters, even if I can't identify with some of them. None of the actors appear to be TRYING, which most seem to do in films of this genre. Josh Hamilton's portrayal of Grover is subtle but outstanding. Olivia d'Abo is radiant, and (retainer and all), I can't take my eyes off of her. Chris Eigeman steals every scene he's in, as usual, and missed his calling as a stand-up comedian - he's that funny. Baumbach's use of flashbacks is one of the most effective I've ever seen, and the transitions to flashbacks look amazing. And finally, this movie is infinitely quotable. "Cookie Man, go away", "I gotta go - I gotta sleep with a freshman", "Jane 2: Electric Boogaloo?", and "Oh, I've been to Prague" still crack me up after 20 or 30 viewings of this film (need the DVD to come out before my tape wears out).
So I can't say enough about this film. If you haven't seen it, go buy it.
P.S. What happened to Noah Baumbach? Sophomore and Junior jinxes with his two follow-ups. Bad movies. Oh well, "Kicking and Screaming" more than makes up for them.
So I can't say enough about this film. If you haven't seen it, go buy it.
P.S. What happened to Noah Baumbach? Sophomore and Junior jinxes with his two follow-ups. Bad movies. Oh well, "Kicking and Screaming" more than makes up for them.
A group of college friends graduate. Jane (Olivia d'Abo) tells her boyfriend Grover (Josh Hamilton) that she moving to Prague to study rather than joining him in Brooklyn. Chet (Eric Stoltz) has been in school for 10 years. Three months later, Otis (Carlos Jacott)'s worst fear comes true and he moving to Milwaukee. Grover is staying with Max (Chris Eigeman) who is just as aimless but then Otis returns having changed his mind. Clueless Skippy (Jason Wiles) is moving in with Miami (Parker Posey).
These people are a little too aimless to be completely compelling. There are some fun dialog. The friendships are interesting. They just need something bigger to deal with. Even artificially, it needs something central to hold these characters together. I keep wondering why these guys don't go off on their own. They need to deal with something or anything. For so many character being so aimless but being aimless together, it would make more sense that this is one night or a few days instead of months and months. Let them be aimless after the graduation party but they have to leave sometimes. Apparently not.
These people are a little too aimless to be completely compelling. There are some fun dialog. The friendships are interesting. They just need something bigger to deal with. Even artificially, it needs something central to hold these characters together. I keep wondering why these guys don't go off on their own. They need to deal with something or anything. For so many character being so aimless but being aimless together, it would make more sense that this is one night or a few days instead of months and months. Let them be aimless after the graduation party but they have to leave sometimes. Apparently not.
- SnoopyStyle
- Aug 15, 2014
- Permalink
- scotteagan
- Nov 10, 2006
- Permalink
Kicking and Screaming is easily my favorite film. It is a funny and intelligent look at the identity crisis that follows graduation. A brilliant script lifts the film out of gen-x romantic comedy hell. First time director Noah Baumbach does the impossible by keeping such a talky film constantly moving. With more insight and heart than most movies, Baumbach has created something timeless. A must see for all who are scared about taking that next big step.
- elliepruitt-70392
- Jul 10, 2023
- Permalink
Apparently, I watched "Kicking and Screaming" at the perfect time -- not even a month after graduating college. Still, I don't find myself identifying with its characters or empathizing with their struggles other than the basic "I wish I didn't have to leave." Granted graduating college is different now than it was in the 1990s, but if this film were truly very good, it would resonate with college graduates of all generations. The problem is that as sharp, witty and original as the dialogue is, it's unnatural and it pushes us toward nothing.
Fans of dialogue in film, particularly the avant garde approach, will probably be quick to love this film debut from writer/director Noah Baumbach. He manages to write a lot of dialogue that we all think but never actually speak aloud (admirable), it's all quite clever (funny or at least amusing) but his characters like to talk a lot about what they do, which in this movie is nothing (boring). College graduates and friends Grover, Max, Skippy and Otis, all played by no-name actors basically decide to spend their first year post-graduation back at school because they are to afraid to leave. Skippy's girlfriend Miami is still a student so he stays, Otis is scared of moving to Milwaukee, Grover's girlfriend went to Prague, thus dumping him and backing out of their plans to live in Brooklyn together, etc. It's a very indie take on a coming of age story.
If it hasn't been made apparent, there's a lot of talking. You'll like a lot of what you hear and you'll be bored by a lot of it. People just generally don't talk this way, which helps the movie avoid cliché, making it fresh and funny, but also alienates the audience at times. At times I told myself I kind of liked it, at others I wondered what the point was. There is some definite intention behind everything Baumbach does, but he communicates this intention in ways most people won't grasp and it all comes across pointless. Plus, either Baumbach never communicates the reason for the title or I missed it because I wasn't totally paying attention. With so much dialogue, everything Baumbach really wants the audience to understand he must have spoken aloud and so rather than discovering meaning, it comes in the form of explanation.
"Kicking and Screaming" is an experiment, an artsy film that some will love just for being artsy and others will find boring for being exactly that way. Baumbach's writing shows promise, but it also has the potential to fail miserably.
Fans of dialogue in film, particularly the avant garde approach, will probably be quick to love this film debut from writer/director Noah Baumbach. He manages to write a lot of dialogue that we all think but never actually speak aloud (admirable), it's all quite clever (funny or at least amusing) but his characters like to talk a lot about what they do, which in this movie is nothing (boring). College graduates and friends Grover, Max, Skippy and Otis, all played by no-name actors basically decide to spend their first year post-graduation back at school because they are to afraid to leave. Skippy's girlfriend Miami is still a student so he stays, Otis is scared of moving to Milwaukee, Grover's girlfriend went to Prague, thus dumping him and backing out of their plans to live in Brooklyn together, etc. It's a very indie take on a coming of age story.
If it hasn't been made apparent, there's a lot of talking. You'll like a lot of what you hear and you'll be bored by a lot of it. People just generally don't talk this way, which helps the movie avoid cliché, making it fresh and funny, but also alienates the audience at times. At times I told myself I kind of liked it, at others I wondered what the point was. There is some definite intention behind everything Baumbach does, but he communicates this intention in ways most people won't grasp and it all comes across pointless. Plus, either Baumbach never communicates the reason for the title or I missed it because I wasn't totally paying attention. With so much dialogue, everything Baumbach really wants the audience to understand he must have spoken aloud and so rather than discovering meaning, it comes in the form of explanation.
"Kicking and Screaming" is an experiment, an artsy film that some will love just for being artsy and others will find boring for being exactly that way. Baumbach's writing shows promise, but it also has the potential to fail miserably.
- Movie_Muse_Reviews
- Jun 7, 2009
- Permalink
KICKING AND SCREAMING is one of the few indie talkathon pictures worth seeing. It is extremely funny, well-written, and perfectly executed by its cast. It also displays the magical talent of a man who goes by the name of Stoltz. Yes, all the perfect ingredients. And only one way to see it--after graduation.
Ted's Grade: A-
Ted's Grade: A-
Feeling unprepared for the 'real world', four recent college graduates spend their time philosophising and avoiding taking action in this feature film debut from Noah Baumbach. The film features witty, memorable dialogue left, right and centre as one friend reckons "I've begun reminiscing events before they even occur", while another comments "I feel like I'm being poisoned" if a bartender at a bar does not drink with him, and the list goes on. There is also some quite pointed in how unprepared the foursome are for the real world despite their extensive education, unleashed into the world like a baby not wanting to be born, as the title suggests. None of the characters are, however, particularly likable for all of their witticisms and at times thought-provoking conversations. The foursome actually come across as more lazy than scared or ill-prepared for post-college life, and none of them have especially vibrant personalities either. The brightest moments in the film are, in fact, had by Elliott Gould as the far too open father of the foursome, sharing his experiences with using condoms at his age and finding love post-marriage separation, much to the disgust of his son. The film does tap into something interesting though as the foursome come to realise that they feel "pressure ... to remain friends" post-graduation. This more than anything else captures how microcosmic college life is often considered to be and how different the actual world is. It's a different, inevitable phase of life involving a big transition indeed comparable to birth.
This wasn't a bad movie. There's some great dialogue, very fine young actors, and watching this I could see the talent that would mature ten years later in THE SQUID AND THE WHALE.
Unfortunately, the characters are more irritating than involving. After a while I wanted to slap them and tell them, to quote Cher's great line in MOONSTRUCK, "Snap out of it!" It seems as if the main reason Baumbach has so many of his characters smoke is the need to remind us that this isn't set at a preschool.
Maybe college was a more enchanted place in 1995 than it was when my wife and I graduated in 1969. We, and everyone else we were in school with, wanted the school business to end- I started kindergarten in 1951, so I'd had a buttload of schooling- so we could get that magic piece of paper, get jobs, and move on with our lives.
We graduated at 10 AM on a Saturday Labor Day weekend, got married in her parents' living room at 2 PM, and reported to our teaching jobs in a town we'd never even visited, 400 miles away, at 9 AM on Tuesday.
Life is to be lived, not talked about and over-analyzed.
The saddest thing is that so many of these very promising young actors haven't had the success the deserve in later years. Only Parker Posey has really done well in mainstream films, although the others have worked steadily in small films.
Unfortunately, the characters are more irritating than involving. After a while I wanted to slap them and tell them, to quote Cher's great line in MOONSTRUCK, "Snap out of it!" It seems as if the main reason Baumbach has so many of his characters smoke is the need to remind us that this isn't set at a preschool.
Maybe college was a more enchanted place in 1995 than it was when my wife and I graduated in 1969. We, and everyone else we were in school with, wanted the school business to end- I started kindergarten in 1951, so I'd had a buttload of schooling- so we could get that magic piece of paper, get jobs, and move on with our lives.
We graduated at 10 AM on a Saturday Labor Day weekend, got married in her parents' living room at 2 PM, and reported to our teaching jobs in a town we'd never even visited, 400 miles away, at 9 AM on Tuesday.
Life is to be lived, not talked about and over-analyzed.
The saddest thing is that so many of these very promising young actors haven't had the success the deserve in later years. Only Parker Posey has really done well in mainstream films, although the others have worked steadily in small films.
Upon writing, deleting, and re-writing comments, one thing has become clear to me. The movie is funny. It twist sharp wit with comical character mannerisms. The first time, watch it to appreciate a well written and acted film. The second time, watch it to catch all the subtle passing background humor.
From the last days of college to whatever waits ahead, anyone who has had anxiety about getting older and finding a... job, career, wife, anything. I disagree with the previous poster, who said its only for the graduating and recently graduated. I first saw this movie when I was 16, and loved it. I'm 20, and I still love it, my friends love it, even the ones that said "indy-film? no thanks." If you like wit, cleverly developed characters, and well written scripts, you can't go wrong.
From the last days of college to whatever waits ahead, anyone who has had anxiety about getting older and finding a... job, career, wife, anything. I disagree with the previous poster, who said its only for the graduating and recently graduated. I first saw this movie when I was 16, and loved it. I'm 20, and I still love it, my friends love it, even the ones that said "indy-film? no thanks." If you like wit, cleverly developed characters, and well written scripts, you can't go wrong.
- mtnsurferzero
- Nov 1, 2003
- Permalink
If you're looking for an interesting, involving movie that uses dialogue thoughtfully (and efficiently), step aside, or you're liable to be swept up when this dust storm of 20's angst and supposedly witty banter comes barrelin' through town. It's a gloomy episode of "Friends" stretched over an hour and a half, where "wit" is created through pop culture references, cheap cynicism, and nifty little one-liners.
I'm still not sure what the point of the whole thing was; I've a feeling the only people who get anything from this movie are the ones who watch films for the experience of "relating to the characters." Maybe the point was simply to give me a slice of post-college life. Yuck.
Man, is it bad. Just stay away.
I'm still not sure what the point of the whole thing was; I've a feeling the only people who get anything from this movie are the ones who watch films for the experience of "relating to the characters." Maybe the point was simply to give me a slice of post-college life. Yuck.
Man, is it bad. Just stay away.
This film is amazing, in my humble opinion.
When I first discovered it, it cost 2 quid in an ex rental knock off shop. I don't know what supreme being possessed me to purchase it, I'd never been aware of its existence before, but it really was lucky.
I think that it is very subjective. This film was very suited to me, especially at that time of my life. It captures a moment in the characters' lives so well, so effortlessly, that it really is very familiar, you almost feel like they're your mates up on screen. It is one of the better and more original 'coming-of-age' flicks out there. I was blown away by it. Forget Dazed and Confused or American Graffiti (both of which I like), this one is more intelligent, more engaging and really interesting. The story is good, the script is good, the acting is good too, it's an all-rounder.
However, there are major problems with it. The script is sometimes a little too....scripty? It's far too contrived and although the actors do their best, at times it does wonder into what we all know now as The Dawson's Creek Syndrome - writing a script with a Thessaurus in one hand, wearing a beret and looking at yourself in the mirror. But for the most part it's completely natural. It does also take a lot of concentration to recognise who's who and what's going on and keep up with the dialogue. However it is worth it. It's also not a film you can drift in and out of, it requires undivided attention to 'get it', and for a film where 'nothing happens', that is a lot to ask of most people.
Despite all this it is one of the best character films (you know, those movies you watch just for the characters and their little interactions on screen) that I know of and well worth a viewing, even if you do have to pull out the phone, disconnect the doorbell, displace your housemates/loved ones and black out the windows.
A very good, well made and very underrated/underexposed film.
When I first discovered it, it cost 2 quid in an ex rental knock off shop. I don't know what supreme being possessed me to purchase it, I'd never been aware of its existence before, but it really was lucky.
I think that it is very subjective. This film was very suited to me, especially at that time of my life. It captures a moment in the characters' lives so well, so effortlessly, that it really is very familiar, you almost feel like they're your mates up on screen. It is one of the better and more original 'coming-of-age' flicks out there. I was blown away by it. Forget Dazed and Confused or American Graffiti (both of which I like), this one is more intelligent, more engaging and really interesting. The story is good, the script is good, the acting is good too, it's an all-rounder.
However, there are major problems with it. The script is sometimes a little too....scripty? It's far too contrived and although the actors do their best, at times it does wonder into what we all know now as The Dawson's Creek Syndrome - writing a script with a Thessaurus in one hand, wearing a beret and looking at yourself in the mirror. But for the most part it's completely natural. It does also take a lot of concentration to recognise who's who and what's going on and keep up with the dialogue. However it is worth it. It's also not a film you can drift in and out of, it requires undivided attention to 'get it', and for a film where 'nothing happens', that is a lot to ask of most people.
Despite all this it is one of the best character films (you know, those movies you watch just for the characters and their little interactions on screen) that I know of and well worth a viewing, even if you do have to pull out the phone, disconnect the doorbell, displace your housemates/loved ones and black out the windows.
A very good, well made and very underrated/underexposed film.
- uncledavey80
- Dec 9, 2004
- Permalink
This movie is not great. It is an accurate portrayal, nothing more. All the characters are the clichéd prototypes of college life, all those who are interesting for the first part of school but get gradually more and more annoying as semesters plug on. And eventually, you no longer really want to spend time with them, because they are going no where and doing nothing, and haven't their entire "career" as students. Its just a bunch of high schoolers without boundaries or parents, and it isn't art, or even interesting once the initial humor and novelty wears off and the realization comes: this movie is the people I hate. Because they are pretentious posers unwilling to put forth the dedication necessary to become masters of any craft, much like the director at the time when he made this. Hopefully he will at some point, The Squid and the Whale is at least moving in the right direction.
- jamesonnephi
- Jan 11, 2007
- Permalink
"Kicking and Screaming" really depressed me. I'm not sure what I was expecting, having seen only "The Life Aquatic" as an example of notable writer-director Noah Baumbach's work (and of course that film was written with Wes Anderson, and directed by Anderson, so I wasn't sure how much of it was Baumbach's), but nothing I read specifically about "Kicking and Screaming" lead me to expect what I got: one of the most devastating films ever made, and one which while not on par with stuff like "The Graduate" formally, remains one of the very best 'where-is-my-life-going-after-college' movies ever made. It also boasts perhaps the smartest use of flashbacks in a recent American film.
I was thinking this would be sort of like a Wes Anderson film but it's really more what Kevin Smith would have written circa 1994-1997 if his parents were critical thinkers instead of lower-middle-class Catholics, and if he'd been writing about students and recent college grads instead of deadbeats lounging about convenience stores and malls and comics writers involved in bizarre love triangles. Perhaps that's selling this short because as much as I am drawn to some of Smith's work he could never come close to capturing the sort of melancholy Baumbach absolutely nails with this film.
The film isn't really brilliant, mostly because it is really plot-less (which wouldn't be a problem usually but read on) and especially since outside of Eric Stoltz's philosophizing bartender I found nothing particularly interesting about any of the supporting cast. The main emotional pull for me was with Grover (Josh Hamilton) and Jane (Olivia d'Abo)'s story. Jane is pretty much the ideal realization of all the odd, quirky, lovely, bizarre, pretentious, disaffected, writers I had crushes on in university and even before and after that time, and the few I was fortunate enough to date. Ideal really because she's a deeply flawed character. Outside of this core story "Kicking and Screaming" relies primarily on Baumbach's witty banter. The trouble is that I found few of the characters to be all that interesting outside of Grover, Jane, and Chet.
Baumbach's direction initially seems primitive but every so often he surprises with a genuinely sophisticated shot. I assume he got better as he went on and that stuff like "The Squid and the Whale" is entirely sophisticated but he already showed a lot of promise with this film. While again I didn't find the film perfect, I connected so much with Grover and with the place in their lives that all these people are that I found the film genuinely devastating at time. When focusing on Jane and Grover it is absolutely phenomenal, and the final scene, I admit, almost made me cry.
I was thinking this would be sort of like a Wes Anderson film but it's really more what Kevin Smith would have written circa 1994-1997 if his parents were critical thinkers instead of lower-middle-class Catholics, and if he'd been writing about students and recent college grads instead of deadbeats lounging about convenience stores and malls and comics writers involved in bizarre love triangles. Perhaps that's selling this short because as much as I am drawn to some of Smith's work he could never come close to capturing the sort of melancholy Baumbach absolutely nails with this film.
The film isn't really brilliant, mostly because it is really plot-less (which wouldn't be a problem usually but read on) and especially since outside of Eric Stoltz's philosophizing bartender I found nothing particularly interesting about any of the supporting cast. The main emotional pull for me was with Grover (Josh Hamilton) and Jane (Olivia d'Abo)'s story. Jane is pretty much the ideal realization of all the odd, quirky, lovely, bizarre, pretentious, disaffected, writers I had crushes on in university and even before and after that time, and the few I was fortunate enough to date. Ideal really because she's a deeply flawed character. Outside of this core story "Kicking and Screaming" relies primarily on Baumbach's witty banter. The trouble is that I found few of the characters to be all that interesting outside of Grover, Jane, and Chet.
Baumbach's direction initially seems primitive but every so often he surprises with a genuinely sophisticated shot. I assume he got better as he went on and that stuff like "The Squid and the Whale" is entirely sophisticated but he already showed a lot of promise with this film. While again I didn't find the film perfect, I connected so much with Grover and with the place in their lives that all these people are that I found the film genuinely devastating at time. When focusing on Jane and Grover it is absolutely phenomenal, and the final scene, I admit, almost made me cry.
- ametaphysicalshark
- Mar 24, 2009
- Permalink
- night_radio
- Nov 3, 2008
- Permalink
Like the subsequent work of Noah Baumbach, there's ample wittiness on the face of this debut, but the grief of lethargy prevails, piercing and lucid. Having spent six years at a stunningly insulated school, I could and still can see ample grounds to relate to the four despairing rapscallions of this brittle slice of life, who graduate from college then go on to spend the next several months on or around campus, doing things as trivial as possible.
Josh Hamilton, seen recently in Louis C.K.'s show playing an obnoxious stoner, here expecting to live in Brooklyn with girlfriend Olivia d'Abo, is so agape and livid when she takes a scholarship to Prague that he won't return any of her calls and can only wonder about their past in five deliberately placed scenes, each signaled by a black-and-white snap of her. Otis finds himself unable to fly to grad school in Milwaukee, just one time zone away, and returns to living with his mother. Max, who prefers marking broken glass as such on the floor over sweeping it up, finds nothing better to do than harass Otis, do crosswords and have sex with Parker Posey Any better suggestions? Didn't think so. And Skippy, Posey's actual boyfriend, actually returns to school but can't bring himself to do any of the work. As Miami and Kate, a 16-year-old to whom Max turns next, both highlight on individual occasions that this foursome talks and acts alike, making up dumb quizzes while drinking lots of scotch and beer and overall embracing something similar to a four-man frat house.
The synchronicity of drollness and disturbance has grown even more obvious in Baumbach's work since this folksy film. The muttered witticisms that sound designed to restrain, suspend or else displace various cries and screams ultimately seizes the limelight in the great The Squid and the Whale, already unmistakably standing by in his first feature. The polished teasing and shattered nerves of teenagers and young adults appear too close to call, so that clamming up and sounding off, the two things that Baumbach's four male postgraduates do so nimbly, are little more than a traditionalist East Coast upper-class guise of kicking and screaming, meant to bottle up the discharge.
The dangers of being refined beyond one's power to handle it are a persistent Baumbach predicament. In the first comprehensive interchange of this Generation X relic, Hamilton exemplifies this pattern by attempting to hold forth expertly about Prague when all he can do is make cursory, lighthearted references to Kundera and Kafka. And in the even more self-critical Squid and the Whale, Jesse Eisenberg's academic pretense is even more prominent, because, like one of these four, he frequently hasn't read the books he pontificates about.
Stoltz appears in this filmed chain of thought as a long-standing philosophy major and bartender who's stayed on campus for a decade, by some means a more forward-looking instance of the trouble shaping the four principals but in other ways more practical and focused, since by now he's a father and gladly acknowledges the distinctiveness of being a career student as something more than an evasive standing. Stoltz brings to the movie a sort of slack, theoretical insight that's greatly needed by the foursome. All the women, including, apparently, Hamilton's unseen mother, and even the teenage Kate, seem more even-tempered than the guys, notwithstanding that d'Abo's in psychoanalysis and compulsively plays with her retainer.
Baumbach is often footnoted by Wes Anderson. But if Anderson in his prime, as in 1998's Rushmore, has the high-brow egalitarian sharpness of an Ernst Lubitsch, Baumbach's most significant impact is the more lax and investigational Jean Renoir. His predilection for long takes, where he occasionally lets his camera meander while following his actors from a distance, is already remarkably palpable in the very first shot of this dry celluloid soliloquy. Even more pertinent, his strong suits as a director are associated with an ability to entice unforeseen and superb things from his actors, which is no less plain in the final shot. It's a catch-unawares kind of moment suggesting some impression of hopefulness, albeit Baumbach is amply restrained in keeping it in the past.
Josh Hamilton, seen recently in Louis C.K.'s show playing an obnoxious stoner, here expecting to live in Brooklyn with girlfriend Olivia d'Abo, is so agape and livid when she takes a scholarship to Prague that he won't return any of her calls and can only wonder about their past in five deliberately placed scenes, each signaled by a black-and-white snap of her. Otis finds himself unable to fly to grad school in Milwaukee, just one time zone away, and returns to living with his mother. Max, who prefers marking broken glass as such on the floor over sweeping it up, finds nothing better to do than harass Otis, do crosswords and have sex with Parker Posey Any better suggestions? Didn't think so. And Skippy, Posey's actual boyfriend, actually returns to school but can't bring himself to do any of the work. As Miami and Kate, a 16-year-old to whom Max turns next, both highlight on individual occasions that this foursome talks and acts alike, making up dumb quizzes while drinking lots of scotch and beer and overall embracing something similar to a four-man frat house.
The synchronicity of drollness and disturbance has grown even more obvious in Baumbach's work since this folksy film. The muttered witticisms that sound designed to restrain, suspend or else displace various cries and screams ultimately seizes the limelight in the great The Squid and the Whale, already unmistakably standing by in his first feature. The polished teasing and shattered nerves of teenagers and young adults appear too close to call, so that clamming up and sounding off, the two things that Baumbach's four male postgraduates do so nimbly, are little more than a traditionalist East Coast upper-class guise of kicking and screaming, meant to bottle up the discharge.
The dangers of being refined beyond one's power to handle it are a persistent Baumbach predicament. In the first comprehensive interchange of this Generation X relic, Hamilton exemplifies this pattern by attempting to hold forth expertly about Prague when all he can do is make cursory, lighthearted references to Kundera and Kafka. And in the even more self-critical Squid and the Whale, Jesse Eisenberg's academic pretense is even more prominent, because, like one of these four, he frequently hasn't read the books he pontificates about.
Stoltz appears in this filmed chain of thought as a long-standing philosophy major and bartender who's stayed on campus for a decade, by some means a more forward-looking instance of the trouble shaping the four principals but in other ways more practical and focused, since by now he's a father and gladly acknowledges the distinctiveness of being a career student as something more than an evasive standing. Stoltz brings to the movie a sort of slack, theoretical insight that's greatly needed by the foursome. All the women, including, apparently, Hamilton's unseen mother, and even the teenage Kate, seem more even-tempered than the guys, notwithstanding that d'Abo's in psychoanalysis and compulsively plays with her retainer.
Baumbach is often footnoted by Wes Anderson. But if Anderson in his prime, as in 1998's Rushmore, has the high-brow egalitarian sharpness of an Ernst Lubitsch, Baumbach's most significant impact is the more lax and investigational Jean Renoir. His predilection for long takes, where he occasionally lets his camera meander while following his actors from a distance, is already remarkably palpable in the very first shot of this dry celluloid soliloquy. Even more pertinent, his strong suits as a director are associated with an ability to entice unforeseen and superb things from his actors, which is no less plain in the final shot. It's a catch-unawares kind of moment suggesting some impression of hopefulness, albeit Baumbach is amply restrained in keeping it in the past.