I saw this movie after midnight and in a kind of romantic period in my life. This movie is not about drug addiction mainly, it is about love and what a man or a woman can do for his beloved one. It is about relationships in general. The moments at which the drug-addict model leans on her boyfriend and hugs him or searches for his hand are the most powerful, in my humble opinion. Watching Not Even The Trees generated strong feelings inside me and, funnily enough, although it is a drama, in the end I was left with sweet feelings and a desire to really love a person and offer things, in a world where most people try to take only. The actors were persuasive in my opinion, and the actress Nicole Brier, or Montana in the film, will not be easily forgotten.
In conclusion, this film is for the curious about addiction and for those who are really interested in Life itself. It shows things we already know, but is nice to see and remember once in a while.