At the scene in the jail when Mary fights with the cop and David picks up a shotgun bullet, he puts it into his right pocket of his jeans. Yet, at the end of the film when the "Collie Entragian Survivors" climb up to the mine's entrance, Johnny Marinville steals the bullet from David's left pocket.
As David escaped through the bars of the cell he ran out the door slamming the door behind him. In the previous scene the Sheriff, while taking David's mother, had already slammed that door closed on his way out.
When the Sheriff first puts Mary in jail, her cell is to the right of the family. In the next scene, her cell is on the left.
Collie takes the shotgun that Mary tries to shoot him with. As he walks out spinning it on his finger. But after they escape and show the empty jail cells it is laying on the desk.
After David shot the dog, he stands up and walks towards the door. The gun is clearly on the other side on the floor. A second later he holds it in his hands again.
When Steve Ames first picks up Cynthia Smith, he tells her his boss is riding on a Harley Soft-tail. When they show the bike, it is a Harley Sportster made up to look like a soft-tail.
Halfway through the movie at the 1 hour and 2 minutes David gets a gun and uses it to shot the dog guarding everyone in the jail cells so they can escape. David shots the dog as it charges at him, so wound on the dog so the entry wound should be through the chest and exit out the back but the wound is on the dogs side.
Towards the end of the movie when they are blowing up "Tak", they take off in the U-Haul van and boulders are falling from the mountain. One boulder hits and shatters the windshield. In the next scenes, the windshield is perfectly intact.
In the DVD version in Chapter 11, 1:29 into the movie, there is a typo in the subtitles
spelling David as dDavid.
When Collie walks towards the wild dog and says, "They're not dangerous... ordinarily," a crew member with a utility belt is visible on the road behind the motorcycle to the right.
When Cynthia and Steven enter the Carver's RV, a member of the crew can be seen as the camera pans. It looks as though he is sitting on a couch and looks directly at the camera.
When Cynthia gets in Steve's moving truck, you can see her wireless microphone transmitter antenna in her right rear pocket.
When David is walking through the police station going from room to room, about halfway into the movie, you can see the outline of his mike under his shirt on the left side.
When Steve and Cynthia find Marinville motor bike you can see a reflection on part of the silver bike of a crew member in a green top.