Julia Campbell credited as playing...
- Christie: So, Mi-chelle! What are you up to?
- Michele: Oh, okay. Um, I invented Post-Its.
- Christie: No offense, Michele, but how in the world did *you* think of Post-Its?
- Michele: Uh...
- [looks across the room at Romy talking to Billy Christianson]
- Romy: And I thought of them completely by myself. I mean, all Michele did was say: "What about making them yellow?"
- Michele: [turns to the A Group] Actually I invented a special kind of glue.
- Christie: Oh really? Well then I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving us a detailed account of exactly how you concocted this miracle glue, would you?
- Michele: No. Um, well, ordinarily when you make glue first you need to thermoset your resin and then after it cools you have to mix in an epoxide, which is really just a fancy-schmancy name for any simple oxygenated adhesive, right? And then I thought maybe, just maybe, you could raise the viscosity by adding a complex glucose derivative during the emulsification process and it turns out I was right.
- Cheryl: I don't believe it!
- Christie: What?
- Cheryl: THAT!
- Kelly: They're back!
- Christie: Nice outfits. Post-it's must be really lucrative!
- Michele: Romy, are you sure you wanna do this?
- Romy: Oh yeah, Michele. I am SO sure!
- [they approach Christie, Cheryl, & Kelly]
- Romy: What the hell is your problem, Christie? Why the hell are you always such a nasty bitch? I mean, okay, so Michele and I did make up some stupid lie! We only did it because we wanted you to treat us like human beings. But you know what I realized? I don't care if you like us, 'cause we don't like you. You're a bad person with an ugly heart, and we don't give a flying fuck what you think!
- [Cheryl and Kelly laugh sarcastically]
- Romy: Come on Michele.
- Michele: Okay, and... YEAH!
- Christie: Unbelievable! They're as deluded about their lives as they are about those HIDEOUS clothes
- Lisa Luder: Actually Christie. They have nice lines. A fun, frisky use of color. All and all, I'd have to say they're really... NOT BAD!
- Christie: Well, WE still think they're ridiculous. Don't we girls?
- Lisa Luder: Why don't you just let them think for themselves for once?
- Christie: You're just jealous. Because unlike a certain ball-busting dried up career woman, I might mention, we're all HAPPILY MARRIED!
- Lisa Luder: That's right, Christie. Keep telling yourself that.
- Christie: Thanks a lot, Romy.
- Romy: What?
- Christie: Thanks for stealing my boyfriend!
- Romy: What are you talking about?
- Christie: Billy just broke up with me. Apparently he's had a crush on you since Mr. Roswell's class and now that he knows that you like him, he doesn't want to *pretend* with me anymore. My life was perfect and you ruined it! Oh!
- [goes off]
- Romy: I swear to God, Christy, I didn't even think he'd dance with me!
- Michele: Wow, she is really P.O.'d. This is so cool!
- Romy: I know. It's like I had this dream where Billy was, like, in love with me, and he was in a wheelchair, but still, it's like it's coming true!
- Christie: [addressing Michele] Oh - it's the back-brace girl!
- The 'A' group: [in sneering tone] Hi, back-brace girl!